Chapter 2

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Six months ago...

In Castle Across the Way, Evie was applying some blush in front of her bedroom mirror. She made sure to use upward strokes as her mother always told her. After a while, she decided to put the make-up supplies down.

She approaches her window, opens it, and looks outside. She can hear from afar the trouble happening in the village of the Isle of the Lost. She can hear screams, shattered glass, and evil laughs.

Oh, how she wished she was down there, striking fear into the hearts of children like the villain kid she was born to be.

However, due to her mother, Evil Queen, forcing her to not invite Mal, daughter of Maleficent, to her sixth birthday party, Maleficent herself vanished her and her mother to a castle on the far side of the Isle, where she lived for nearly ten lonely years with only her mother for company.

Evie was about to close the window, until she saw someone walking towards her castle. She thought it was probably a goblin, but the longer she looked, she began to realize that it wasn't. It looked like a boy, who appeared to limping as he walked.

Going against the orders of her mother and the big bad Maleficent, Evie exits the castle to see who was dropping by. She sees the boy limping to the side of the castle and follows him. She stops at the corner and slowly peers around it.

She sees a boy who appears to be almost her age. The first thing about him that captures her attention is his white hair. She admitted that it looked kinda cool. He wears a jacket with the colors red, black, and white, and a pair of black and white shorts.

After she was finished admiring his style, she notices the pain he was suffering. He had a few bruises on his face, including one on his left eye, a cut on his lip, and a burn mark on his left arm. His right hand was holding his stomach, which means it hurts. He continues to limp as he walks and Evie sees that the pain was coming from his right leg.

The boy collapses, unable to walk any further. He decides to just sit back on the wall. He closes his eyes as he tries to breathe. As he did, tears started raining down from his eyes. His heavy breathing turned into sobs.

Evie couldn't help but feel bad for him, which she slaps herself for because villain kids shouldn't feel sympathy. Still, she couldn't just leave him to rot outside castle. Besides, if she takes him in, she's technically kidnapping him. And that's bad, right?

Evie walks towards the boy. He hears footsteps and opens his eyes. At first sight of the daughter of Evil Queen, he started crawling backwards, fear present on his face.

"It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you," said Evie. "Well, unless you give me a reason to."

The boy responds by crawling back even more. Evie chuckled a little, amused by his fear.

"Just stop moving," said Evie. "I'm Evie."

"I know who you are," said the boy. "Evil Queen's daughter. I've seen you before. Your sixth birthday party."

"Are you sure you were born that day?" joked Evie.

"Very funny," said the boy sarcastically.

"Look, you don't want to stay out here, do you?" asked Evie.

"Better alone than not," replied the boy.

"We have some medical supplies in the castle," said Evie. "I can patch you up. You just have to come with me."

"Like you care," said the boy, refusing the girl's offer.

"I certainly don't," said Evie. "What I do care about is you staining the castle with blood. As much as I love the dust and cobwebs, I draw the line at blood."

"Stay away from me," said the boy, scurrying back further from the girl.

The boy stands up and tries to run away, but the pain in his leg caused him to fall again.

"You have two choices. Stay out here and rot or come inside and get some medical attention," said Evie.

The boy looks up at Evie, unsure about what to do now.

"What do I have to do to make sure you don't hurt me?" asked the boy.

"Just keep your mouth shut and let me work," answered Evie.

"Fine," said the boy.

"First, I want to know your name," said Evie.

"Carlos. Carlos De Vil," said the boy.

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