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"Fuck ohhhh yeah that's it right there ahhh"
"Hi am Sabrinna,you'd probably think I'm having sex right now the way I'm sounding but I'm not.I just finished training in war form with my brother and let me tell you 'he rode me haaard' I'm so tired.For your benefit I'm in the jacuzzi and the way the water is making me feel it feels like having sex not that I've had sex before but if I were to do so I'm preeetty sure it gonna feel that way.
I slid deeper into the water feeling sleepy....I'm just gonna rest my eyes I promised my self(have you ever made a promise to yourself then broke it,well I broke mine) la land here I come.
I had the scariest dream...nightmare...whatever
I was sleeping on the comfiest bed ever.i stretched languidly,I felt very warm and cozy,I did what anyone would have done I cozied up to my source of warmth and then my eyes shot open...
"Ahhhhhhhhh"I've never screamed so loud in my life.Who the fuck is this..
Despite my screaming the Adonis beside me didn't twitch...
I tried to get up but guess what his leg and arm were holding me captive...I have dreamt of knight in shining armor holding me so tight in his arms I felt like a prize he had win in a duel over me of course..
I shook Adonis(that's his name now) but he didn't even move,then I realized we were naked(awkwaard) so I did the most reasonable thing anyone would have done.....
I moved my hand down his body till I reached his cock,palmed it (ouhhh he was huge)then pulled hard...
He woke up with a roar...
"Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my room and bed"
" good question you asked there you see I was having a relaxing bath a a grueling day...long story short I don't know how I got here"
"Oh I know did Gavin send you here today is my birthday."
He looked at me weirdly it almost as if he expected me to start pole dancing for him..
"Well c'mon aren't you gonna dance"
"DANCE are you crazy why would I dance for you"
"Well for one I woke up to you palming my dick and two you are naked..FYI I loooove your tits."
I looked down and saw that the a''hole was right and looked up to see him leering at my boobs..
"You can take your eyes off them now" I growled
"Ughhhhhh" I gasped coming up for air
"What happened" I looked up to see my sister Violet looking at me weirdly.
"You were taking too long in the bathroom so I came to check up on you and I found you sleeping in the water and I tried to pull you out and you were struggling so I yelled your name"Violet explained
"Okay" I said getting out of the bubbling water.
" that's your problem dad wants you in the kitchen right now"
I got dressed and went to see my dad

Hi this is my first story on wattpad or anywhere else I know there are some misspelling and I'm welcome to corrections I believe you can't move forward with out making mistakes....
So introduction out of the way hey yo peeoopplle wassup

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2018 ⏰

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