Do we mean nothing?

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Sapphire ' s P. O. V ( picture of her above )

When they returned, they were so nonchalant as if nothing happened. We all gave them the same look. The look of disappointment and sadness. " Is something wrong?" princey asked. "Don't play dumb princey!" I said in a threatening fashion, leaning forward as if I was ready to attack. "Easy Saph" an older emotion said placing their arm in front of me trying to keep me back. " No Nina! I won't let them keep us in the shadows! You may be Thomas' toughness but I can handle it." I said trying to push her arm out of my way. "For a kid that represents love, you have a lot of hate towards them." She replied. "I seriously don't know what's going on!" Roman said confused as to why he was being accused. "They're upset because you wouldn't tell Thomas about them" Anxiety said almost as if he knew our pain. The eldest one stepped forward and said " Correction Sapphire's the upset one, we stopped caring a long time ago." The sides looked at each other and Logan decided to ask "what do you mean by that?". "Well, you've kept us a secret for so long that we...gave up. We stopped trying and just accepted it." she replied.

As they continued trying to resolve the conflict I had started, I went to my room and decided to block out the world around me and listen to my music. I put my headphones on and let the music drown my thoughts.

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