¹³ | a d r o n i t i s

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(n.) frustration with how long it takes to get to know someone.

) frustration with how long it takes to get to know someone

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Docile-sheep Zane did not last long. After his initial recovery from his dying state, he was back to his domination of everything. Not that Raneem really minded. She rather liked this Zane, though the docile sheep that confessed in his delirium would have been a nice change every once in a while.

His confession gave her power. A leverage she could use to take her throne back. It was also a leverage she did not want to lose. She was not exactly sure why, but she rather liked his attention. It was strange. She never liked to be showered with it when men from her kingdom posed to make their move on her. But what Zane gave, she welcomed with open arms. Even when he admitted to what he had in mind when he kept her captive and to be the culprit to her sudden bursts of...experiences, she could only pretend to be so furious. And the attention she got from him after that...maybe she should pretend to be furious at him more often.

She looked at Treliron from the tops of tower-like trees, sipping tea. Though the place was foreign, it felt like home. It gave her another reason to take the bitch witch down. Treliron was a place she should protect - and a place other than Gwahan which people were able to visit and calm themselves without fear.

Raneem smiled. So much work to do and yet, she looked forward to doing them. Reconciliation would be the first on her agenda after consolidating her own power base. It would be a grand headache of sorts, and that was the part she did not look forward to.

"I still worry about this plan of yours," Zane said beside her. "Must you go in there yourself?"

Raneem placed her empty teacup on a flat branch beside her. "Yes, else it will not work. Does Adam have the essence of Elixir again?"

"They have found it moments ago. Shall we give it?"

She shook her head. "We time it with the coronation. Do you have any idea about when it is?"

"In seven days." Zane turned to her. "Money, titles and position. Is that all humans are interested in?"

"It is what we call bribe. I personally find it a cheap and utterly revolting practice, but for now it serves a purpose for the greater good. At least I know these two will not betray me when I come into power. They would do well at the new posts I will be giving them. Very well." She chuckled. "Pitiful, is it not? We find pleasure in temporal things. And they mock us in reminder that our own time in the world is short."

"I find it rather amusing to be attached to something that reminds you of the short time you live. Strange, but amusing."

She watched the corner of his lips pull up in an amused grin. She could never forget those soft lips that she fully surrendered to. He had been her first kiss and likely an experience she would never forget. He knew exactly what to do and where exactly to touch her to please her. And that tongue! She shuddered, feeling the familiar heat between her legs. And this time, she could blame no one but herself for it.

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