¹⁵ | n u n c h i

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(n.) the ability to gauge mood of others, read atmosphere, and react appropriately.

Raneem wondered how the chiseler - Baronet Leanne, she should start remembering that - could be so calm and confident in impersonating Duchess Sirien

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Raneem wondered how the chiseler - Baronet Leanne, she should start remembering that - could be so calm and confident in impersonating Duchess Sirien. Sure, the woman rarely left her estate because of her frailty and Leanne had been impersonating her for so long. But still, how could she not worry about being caught?

"Abiel," Leanne turned to her, "-please make yourself scarce among the servants. I shall send for you when I feel faint. Run a long now."

"Yes, my lady," she bowed and wandered off not daring to lift her head, lest she be recognized. She went unnoticed by nobles as she made her way through the gardens to the servant's hallways, and when she was certain no one was looking, she veered off.

Raneem clutched the tube in her hands, hoping that no one would stop her. She hoped that she would not have to use Leanne's tactic to get past guards and not raise an alarm.

Zane had told her that the Elixir they let the lieges of Amira discover was at the private library where many other secrets were stored. And as she neared it, she ducked behind a wall and hissed. There was one guard. She knew him and remembered he was one of the good soldiers his father had. He was supposed to be an officer, but he was relegated to such a duty. She knew him enough to not complain and he did his job well. It was a pity he had to bar her way. She would not take her chance at pleading with him.

"Oh dear!" she threw herself on the floor, clutching her ankle.

The soldier looked at her, tense with a hand on the pommel of his sword. Seeing her, he relaxed. "You are not supposed to be here, miss."

She sobbed, the cowl of her hood hiding the fact that she did not have any tears. A horrid actress! That was what she was. "I know. But a rat!" she sniffed, trying to still her wildly beating heart. What she didn't feign was her trembling. The gods knew how nervous she was. "A horrible, vile creature, that! It chased me and I stumbled. Could you please help me up?"

He came to her and put his arm around her. At once, she applied pressure beneath his ear, brought her fist to his throat to stifle any sound and stroke the nape of his neck. She sighed and the frantic beating of her heart eased somewhat. She thanked herself for her stubbornness and refusal to listen to her father when he did not want her to know about Adam and the king's guards as they trained. It made her hands rough and callous, but it did serve a purpose.

She hoped Zane did not mind such ugly hands...

She shook the thought off. She had to get what she came for and be quick about it. She dragged the unconscious guard into the library and opened a box that was not there the last time she came. In it contained different vials, most of them, full. She easily recognized Zane's crystal vial and saw one that was less. Her father's poison. She took both vials and placed them in the tube.

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