At The Pizzaria

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Ultimose teleported right in front of the pizzaria and saw a polar bear on the sign. He sighed and walked into the pizzaria to see white walls and checkered floors. He walked into the party room and saw a woman with long white hair. He walked over to her while noticing her butt being kinda big. He smacked her behind and smirked, but instead of the woman turning around just normally. She grabbed a near by chair and hit Ultimose with it. Making him fall onto the floor. He looked up to see a beautiful polar bear woman.

The woman said with a hint of anger "So you are looking for a job I presume?"

Ultimose nodded with a smirk and said "Yeah......"

The woman kicked Ultimose's face and said "Don't try."

Ultimose asked while the woman's foot was in his face "What's your name hotty?"

The woman snorted and said "My name is Poala and I'm the boss of this place."

Ultimose removed Poala's foot and said "Cute name hotty." Poala grabbed another chair and hit Ultimose until she walked away. Ultimose yelled "Do I have the job?!?!"

Poala yelled back "Don't care!!!"

Ultimose said with a smirk "Hmm..... See you tonight hotty." He teleported back to the house to see Death and Skeletor choking each other. He looked over at Ben chasing Bloodwing and Wolfe for the remote. Ultimose sighed and went into his room.

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