Dealing With The Remote

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Ultimose walked into his room and rested on his bed for a few seconds until he heard yelling coming from the living room. He sighed and got off his bed to check on what's going on. He gotten into the living room and saw Death chasing Ben, Bloodwing, and Wolfe for the remote while Skeletor was sitting on the couch. Ultimose walked over to Skeletor and sat down in the seat next to him.

Ultimose heard Ben and the others screaming then said "What morons."

Skeletor nodded and said "Agreed."

Ulitmose lied back in his chair and said "I have to go to sleep for tonight. Not deal idiots."

Skeletor picked up another remote and turned on the t.v. then said "My plans will work Ultimose."

Ultimose smiled and said "Even though they usually fail."

Skeletor said while relaxing in his seat "It will work this time."

Ultimose looked at the t.v. and said "Hopefully."

Ben stopped running and asked "How did you guys turn on the t.v.????"

Skeletor held up the other remote and said "This one." Ben nodded and was continued being chased by Death. Ultimose started to close his eyes until he had a remote thrown at his head. He opened up his eyes to see Ben, Bloodwing, Wolfe, and surprisingly Death standing there. Ultimose grabbed the remote and threw it at all 4 of them right before he went back into his room to rest. Skeletor watched Ben, Bloodwing, Wolfe, and Death get knocked out. He laughed and continued watching t.v.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2017 ⏰

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