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So, I've been tagged by Midnight_Kaiulanis . I wasn't even at home! I was in an internet connection-less cabin!

Anyway, here you go.

1. Any scars? Mentally or physically? We all carry the scars of our pasts...Man, first question and I'm already getting deep! Ok, for real though, yeah. The gist of the story, don't go as fast as you can on a bike without looking at the road for potholes.

2. Self-harmed? Uh...Not as of the moment, no. I got past my state of severe depression by myself and came out in one piece! I'm good!

3. Crush? Who doesn't have a crush?

4. Kissed anyone? EW NO! Who do you think I am? An outgoing person with a bf? Nope.

5. Coke or Pepsi? Neither. Sprite.

6. Someone you hate? Oh man... The person who decided to ditch me for the popular girls while I was in depression and while the whole school was making a game about me.

7. Best friends? 
Real life: Uh... I can't say. Complicated.
Wattpad life: Same.

8. Done alcohol? I'm not even old enough...So no...

9. Done drugs? All right, so TECHNICALLY yes. I have meds for my adhd, and those are drugs, but they're prescribed. But real drugs? That are bad? Nope.

10. Dream job? Author, which is just false hope... Same with artist... But since those two are impossible and never going to happen, computer scientist.

11. Ever been in love? Nope! Love is knowing that no matter what you do, they won't judge you for it. I had a bf, but that wasn't love. And didn't last.

12. Last time you cried? No clue!

13. Favorite color? Cyan! No, not blue, there's a difference. Get it right, cyan.

14. Height? 5 foot 4 and a half, but I think I've grown since the last time I was measured...

15. B-day? Early May.

16. Eye color? I feel like I've answered this in an earlier tag... Some say I have hazel eyes, other people will yell at people if they say they aren't brown.

17. Hair color? Dark brown almost black.

18. What you love: Writing, drawing, listening to music, puzzles, being alone...

19. Obsession: Puzzles...And a certain book I'm re-re-re-rewriting right now. I'm not posting it here though, it's secret for now.

20. Do you love someone? Nope.

21. Kiss or hug? Neither. I'm not a physical contact type. But if I have to, hug.

22. Nickname? In real life, I don't have a nickname. It's just my name. But online, I always have my name as Mica Cas and people use mc, mica, or cap. Cap is from 'CaptivatingMc'

23. Fav song? Tough one...I have a lot of favorites...But if I HAD to choose, which I would regret, I'd choose something by Hunter Hayes...

24. Fav band? Does Hunter Hayes count as a band? I don't think so. In that case, all the others are too hard to choose from.

25. Worst thing ever? Reality...

26. Best thing ever? Imagination!

27. Near death experience? Well, once my mother told me there was gs, so I went on that bus. I got off, and was stranded in the middle of nowhere because there actually wasn't gs, and everyone was gone. I don't know if that counts.

28. Ever dated? I think you've figured that out by now. But only once.

29. Worst experience? Uh...Getting a little personal much, eh?

30. Special talents? EVERYTHING! Seriously, I don't know why, but if I try, I excel in everything. Top of my class, good artist, getting better at writing...Even puzzles! Just the speed I do them at! Everything but sports of course though. People find this crazy, but because of this, I'm always stressed out.
Just think about it. Having every possibility open. How do you know what to choose? Do you follow your family or what you actually like doing? It'd be easier with just one talent, one path you know you can be successful in.

31. Someone you can tell everything to? ...That's a good question... I can only tell separate people separate pieces of the whole picture...

32. Ever lost a loved one? Well, I didn't really bond with her, but my aunt died. I felt nothing when she left, so does it count as losing a loved one? She was still my aunt...

33. Do you believe in love? Yeah. But people throw that word around so much that it's lost its true meaning.

34. Someone you hate? Wasn't this already asked?

35. Are you ok? *blinks* Why is this a question on here? Yeah, I'm pretty sure...

T A G S:


Well then! That was a long one!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2017 ⏰

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