Welcome to England

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(Sophia's P.O.V.)
(Fast forward to Wednesday)
I wake up at 3:30am and start to pack for the trip. I am finished getting ready by 4:00. It takes an hour to get to the airport, so we have to leave at 5:00. I turn on the TV and watch the news.
After an hour I hear a car pull into the driveway. My dad is still asleep, but I sneak in and kiss him goodbye. "I'll miss you," I whisper softly.
I quietly open the door and run outside. I drop my bags and give Faith the biggest hug, ever. She's beaming. I put my stuff in the trunk, and climb quickly into the car. We deeply sleep for the entire car ride.
I wake up and see the airport coming into view. Faith is still asleep, so I shake her, forcefully awake. "Wake up!" I say. She says,"What!?! Oh, sorry I was just having a really good dream." "Who cares!" I shout, "We're at the airport!!!"
We climb out if the car, and run to the plane. Faith's grandparents hug us goodbye. "Be good for Mr. and Mrs. Scuppie," her grandma says. "We will," she replies. After checking in, we headed to a small restaurant to get some food. My grandparents gave us $100 each, plus our parents gave us some to. So we have a lot of money. After about an hour we board the plane. This will be my first plane ride ever and we will be on the plane for a long time. The plane starts to move and I start to get butterflies. Faith grabs my hand sensing my nervousness, she's a great friend. I never realized it takes this long to get the plane in the air. I start to feel the plane tilting up and I squeeze Faith's hand tighter. After we get up in the air, I realize that this is fun. I look out the window and my eyes light up. My brain feels like it's exploding this is so beautiful. When we are in the clouds, my ears start to pop. Faith's ears are popping too, she hands me some gum. I see why she got it while we were waiting to board. We watched a couple movies like Mean Girls and Coraline. After that we had a plane meal, it wasn't very good, but I was starving. I had a chicken breast, a cup of fruit, and a Coke. Faith had a cheeseburger with basically nothing on it (that just how she likes hers), french fries, and a Sprite. I got a couple brownies for dessert, while Faith had a slice of cheesecake.  We were so full and bored so we pulled out our phones and played games, listen to music, and made a couple musical.lys. We were so tired so we took naps, by now we were most than halfway to England.                                                                                                                             Hours later I was waken up by the flight attendant. " You two have to get off," she said politely. Nobody else was on the plane, I had just realized we were in England!!!

(Faith's P.O.V.) 

"Faith, were here!!!!" Sophia screamed waking me up.                                                                              "What?" I asked yawning.    "Wait, what? Oh, we're here!!!!"The flight attendant tapped me on the shoulder and said, " Um, ladies. You have two get off now. We have to get ready for the next flight.   "Oh,sorry," Sophia said, grinning. I just couldn't believe we were here. We walked off the plane and were greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Scuppie. It was easy to find them because nobody else was there. "Sorry, we got off late. We both fell asleep," I say to them.                                                             "No need to apologize," they say, "as a welcome present here is some money for you to spend at the mall today. We will take you home so you can get settled in then we will take you shopping in London. (P.S. The Scuppies live in Berkshire.)"  "Sounds great," we answer. 
We headed over to their house and unpacked. Our room was a mixture of all the colors in the rainbow, we had a bunk bed and Sophia got the top 'cause I lost rock,paper, scissors.
A bit later after unpacking, the Scuppies came in our room and told us, "We will be letting you two shop around alone. We will meet you in 2 hours at Nando's. See you later!"

Thank you guys so much for reading my new chapter.  Love, May.

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