Chapter eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

Finnegan and Cassandra followed the railroad tracks the next morning and they rode into the west Tennessee town of Hitchen just after midday.

"A real bed!" Cassandra exclaimed with a sigh as she wrapped her arms tighter around Finnegan's waist and he guided Theo toward the livery at the edge of town. "And a warm bath!" she added.

"And can I join ya then on this bed and bath adventure?" Finnegan asked, throwing a wick grin her way as he glanced over his shoulder.

Cassandra trembled. "Yes of course—that is if you think you're ready for that much adventure."

Finnegan threw his head back and laughed. "I was born ready for that kind of adventure, Little Cass."

"Just how many women have you had those adventures with, Finnegan?" Cassandra asked before she could stop herself. Damn her impulsive nature and mouth that tended to ask questions she didn't truly want the answer to.

Finnegan shook his head. "I could sooner count the stars in the sky," he lamented. "Though they are distant and cold. Any adventure with you will surely burn like the sun itself."

Cassandra couldn't stop the happy smile that curled her lips. Finnegan slid from the saddle and helped her down as well, their bodies brushing together and filling Cassandra with an awareness so intense that it made even her hair tingle.

"Go to the hotel over there, it looks to be a good one. Rent us a room and order a bath. I'll see to Theo, get us some supper and join ya just as quickly as I can," Finnegan urged.

"Don't keep me waiting too long, Finn," Cassandra warned.

Finnegan kissed her brow tenderly, causing her heart to ache. It was good to see him feeling more himself and she was happy that blow to his head hadn't caused any lasting damage. "I would not dream of keepin' ya waitin', Little Cass."

Cassandra laughed lightly and then headed toward the hotel. She rented a room from the smiling elderly woman behind the counter and glanced into the adjoining restaurant. There was a stage that was empty just now but a sign beside the entryway stated there would be music beginning at eight that night. It was only two now and she would enjoy a night of music and dancing with Finnegan. She would have to ask him to accompany her.

But first..... A bath and alone time with Finnegan. Cassandra knew well what happened between men and women. She had male cousins and had often heard her father and the men that came to visit him laughing and discussing their night time encounters over crystal glasses of scotch.

She knew the mechanics of what went on but she yearned to know more. She yearned to feel more of the heat and the hunger that mere kisses from Finnegan seemed to cause in her.

She made her way up a brightly lit staircase and down a wide hall to room 10-B. Cassandra used her key to unlock the door and stepped into the nicest hotel she'd seen so far on their journey. It was much better than that run down one they'd stayed in before and it certainly looked better than a moldy shack or a pile of dirt and pine needles.

The bed was larger than most hotel beds and there was a large copper tub in the corner along with a changing screen and a ceramic water pitcher. The wardrobe, dresser and mirror were all dark mahogany and the carpet was soft and green beneath her feet.

Cassandra kicked off her shoes and let down her hair before throwing herself onto the bed and staring at the ceiling. She could not stop the moan that slipped past her lips at the feel of the soft feather tick mattress beneath her. It had been too long since she had lay upon a true bed.

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