Chapter 44: Flashback Pt. 3 (The Past)

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(A/n) So here comes the conclusion of the flashbacks. I'll be updating the other two stories with three back to back chapters after this one, so it may take a little while until this one is updated again. That being said, I'm serious this time about there being three to four more chapters in this story. I thank you all for following this story and dealing with my shenanigans. Let's start the chapter.

You wake up as the sun shines through the window, blinking your eyes a bit to adjust to the new incoming light. You sit up and look out the window. You can see the Golden Gate Bridge on the horizon, its beauty shining in the distance. However, in your mind, it's not as beautiful as the woman laying next to you.

You look at Alex sleeping peacefully. Her breathing was soft and steady. It was...relaxing to say the least. You brush a bit of her raven hair off of her face and poke her cheek. She starts to wake up as she blinks her eyes and yawns. She sees you smiling at her, and she smiles back.

"Morning (y/n)." She says.

"Good morning." You say. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah. It was different having someone else in the bed besides myself, but it was a good different."

You brush some of her hair out of her face and kiss her cheek. You both get up and look out the window, looking at the beautiful bridge with an arm wrapped around a beautiful girl.

"Is it nice to wake up to this view every day?" You ask.

"When it's sunny, yeah." Alex says. "Although, I think it's better since you're here." You smile and quickly kiss. You stare at the bridge for a couple of moments. Then Alex says something important. "You know we're standing in front of a window naked, right?"

"That is true. We may need to put clothes on. Just an idea."

You get dressed and go out to breakfast. Then you take your car to the garage, welcomed back with applause from your colleagues. Even Krista, but she stopped clapping first. She didn't want to think of her brother doing the nasty. That's just wrong.

"That was quite the night for you, (y/n)." John says.

"It most definitely was." You admit.

"I remember my first win. I experienced something like you. A win in a race then a win in bed. Unlike you, mine was just a one night stand." Your uncle says.

"I think our relationship might last longer than one night." Alex says, and you agree.

"Alright." Your uncle claps once, his signal of attention. "Well, let's get to work. Engine needs fixing in Pedro's Camaro. We need to repair the body on the GT-R and reapply the paint. Same story with the Mustang. Let's get going."

Timeskip 1 year later

You and Alex had been going steady for a while. You loved each other a lot, and you taught her how to race. She was a natural. Paul even gave her the GT-R and had it customized for her. It was now painted white with black and red livery over it. In contrast, your Mustang, which was painted black and had blue and red livery.

You, Alex, and Krista were sitting in your car on a lookout point, seeing the Golden Gate Bridge and some of the city. It was nighttime, so the city lights twinkled in the darkness. Krista was laying down in the back seat looking at her phone. You had one arm around Alex, who was lying her head on your shoulder.

"So, what brings us here?" Alex asks.

"Wanted to show you two the view." You say.

"What's the real reason we're here" Krista says.

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