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At six he gave up on just laying there.

He got up and pulled on a shirt. He was careful not to wake Ginny.

He decided to make a nice breakfast to say sorry to Ginny.

When Ginny woke up her side was in pain.

She remembered that she'd broken a few ribs when she'd jumped from her room's window. She was still surprised she hadn't broken her feet or something.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes looked awake and alert, her hair was knotted and messy.

She didn't have a brush or any clothes. She looked around and found a brush in Harry's trunk. She wondered quickly why he would have a brush. His hair never laid flat anyways.

She quickly brushed her hair and pulled her long red hair from the brush and jammed it back in his trunk.

The Order said her things would be there in the next week or so.

A lovely smell came wafting through the door. One was obviously bacon.

Ginny looked her self over.

She was just happy she hadn't worn her too small cat nightgown.

She tied her shirt at her waist with a elastic band she had around her wrist and headed down the stairs.

She walked quickly down the stairs, taking two at a time.

When she walked in the kitchen she saw Harry busy at the stove stirring porridge, flipping bacon, chopping fruit and toasting toast.

There was a pot of coffee going in the corner.

He turned his head and smiled. "Morning sleeping beauty. Hungry?" Ginny didn't know if he was serious or not about the 'sleeping beauty' thing so she let it slid.

"Very. I didn't know you could cook." Harry laughed.

"I've been cooking since I was tall enough to reach the stove. You take your coffee three suger three cream right?"

Ginny nodded.

"How do you know?" "I've been staying with your family every summer for five years. I learn things."

Half way through breakfast Harry spook up.

" Uh...... Iamsorryforthewayiactediwasbeingaprat."

He said quickly.

"Pardon?" Ginny asked, her eyebrows furrowed.

What was thatnI am sorry for the way I acted. I was being a prat."

Ginny smiled inwardly. *He* said sorry. He is such a gentlemen.

"No, Harry. Its my fault. I was a jerk and wasn't even considering that anyone else could be going what I am going through. Can you forgive me?"

Harry smiled and slung an arm around her shoulders in a one armed hug.

"Only if you forgive me." Ginny laughed. This felt like the most naturel thing in the world.

"I might have to think about it." She said in a teasing voice.

"Yes I forgive you." She said with a laugh. Harry kissed her cheek and smiled.


Ginny's POV

He just kissed me! Well not on the lips of course. But he did!

I think I am going to die. He is so nice and sweet and kind and generous and brave and noble and selfless and perfect. Just perfect.

I watched him as he drained his coffee and cleaned up after him self.

Wiping the table cleaning and drying his dishes. He started with the other dishes and was done fairly quick.

It looked like he hadn't bothered doing anything with his hair as it was messier then usual.

"Are you done?" He asks, ripping me from my revive.

"Pardon?" I ask.

He laughs.

"Space out there Weasley?"

I blush and duck my head.

"Aw, come on. Your cute when you blush." He says in a sincere voice.

I blushe an even depper red.

"See!" Harry said while he laughed. "Your beautiful when blush!"

I laugh right along with him, forgetting my house had just been destroyed the night before.

Harry's POV

Her face lit up as she laughed her eyes shining bright, pronouncing the gold flaks in her eyes.

"So. You done?" Ginny blushed again causing me to grin.

"Ya. I am done." I smiled and started to clean the rest of the kitchen.

"Could I help at all?" Ginny asks.

"Nah. Its alright. I am almost done."

I couldn't help but think of how beautiful Ginny was.

Her hair framed her face the sunlight making it look almost gold. Her soft pale lips curved in a smile. Her chocolate brown eyes only half open.

When I finished with the kitchen Ginny and I walked back up the stairs to my- our room.

"Uh Harry." Ginny says quietly.


"Well I uh don't have any of my clothes here."

I laugh.

"I am not sure any of my aunts stuff would fit you." I say jokingly.

"Here. Hold on." I started rummaging through my trunk at the end of my bed.

I pulled out a pair of old shrunken (thanks to Hermione) faded jeans with a rip on the left knee and a red plaid button up shirt. Ginny smiled.


She walked back in a few minutes later.

The pants dragged on the floor a bit but evidently had been wearing a tank top under her pyjama top because the top was unbuttoned. Her hair was braided in a loose braid on the side. Her freckles stood out more then ever. I guess she wears make up to cover them up. I personally think their beautiful.

She noticed me looking and blushed. "Why are you looking at me?" She asked.

"Because you're beautiful." I replied simply.

She blushed a red only a Weasley can get.

I grabbed a cloak off my bed.

"Come on." I said.

"Where? We can't leave the house."

I grinned. "As long as Moody's not on watch we're good"

I held out my hand which she took. I looked out the with window and saw a cat sitting oddly still on the walk.

"McGonagall. Let's go."

I swung the cloak over us.

I threw a rock out the opened window making the cat turn their head. Ginny and I slipped out the door and started down the walk.

Once we were a few blocks from the house I took of the cloak.

"Let's go!"

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