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~Hermione watched glumly as Lavender fed Ron his cereal giggling in a creepily girly way. Ron was clearly getting agitated.

"Okay! Lavender! You should go! I hear Pavarti is looking for you!" Lavender blinked a few times. "Pavarti..... Oh! Yes! I have to ask her what to wear for our date!" With that she gave Ron a hard sloppy kiss before skipping away humming 'can you feel the love tonight'.

"She's pathetic." Hermione mumbled to Ginny who nodded vigorously. "Bloody mental." Ron sat down across from Ginny and let a small groan. "What am I going to do!? I need to break up with her! But how!? She won't take just a flat out 'we're done'!" As if in a burst of realisations he jumped and turned to Hermione.

"Hermione!" He exclaimed. "You're a girl!"

"I thought we established that in fourth year Ron." She said not bothering to look up at him.

"Yes, well.." He stuttered his easrs turning red.

Ginny snickered next to Hermione. "I mean, how would you want someone to break it off with you?" Hermione was so tempted to say 'just come out and say it. Let her down hard.' But then she thought 'but I should be the better person. That and I am in the same dorm as her and I don't want to listen to her blubbering all night about her precious *won - won*.' So instead she said,

"Let her down softly. Tell her you just can't fit in a girlfriend right now. Something along those lines." With a boyish grin he kissed Hermiones cheek. "Thanks Hermione! I owe you one." She nodded bleakly her hand on her cheek.  Ginny giggled and shoved her lightly causing Hermione to snap back. Hermione, being the mature one, stuck her tounge out at her. Hermione, discreetly watched Ron as he left the great hall.

Harry staggered into the common room the next night looking ridiculous. His hair was pin straight, black guy liner circled his eyes and a leather jacket hung half on half off his body.

"Bloody Hell Harry! What happened to you!?" Ron asked, a smirk in his voice. "Bloody Pavarti and Lavender happened! They ambushed me with.... Pointy and deadly... Things!" He said making circular motions with his hands. Ginny looked ready to either laugh her head off or rip off someone else's head. "I am just going to go find those two..." Ginny said before half running from the common room.

Harry rubbed at his eyes, smearing the eyeliner making him look like a racoon. He turned to Hermione making an adorable puppy dog face. "Help?" Hermione waved her wand and he went back to looking normal, with messy black falling in his eyes. "Thanks Mione!" Harry said happily, swooping down and kissing her cheek. "You are such a suck up." Hermione muttered playfully. Harry grinned a cheeky grin. "Don't you know it!"

Hermione swatted his arm making a 'tsk' noise. Harry grinned again and threw her over his shoulder much to her protest. She pounded on his back yelling at him. "HARRY JAMES POTTER! YOU PUT ME DOWN! I SWEAR I'LL KILL YOU!"

Harry just laughed and threw her down onto the couch. She shot up patting down her bushy hair. "HARRY!" She launched her self at him hitting any place she could hit. "Ow! Mione!" Harry yelled laughing. Ron felt a pang of jealousy watching his two best friends attack each other much to the entertainment of the other students.

Some were picking sides and cheering them on. He knew he was being stupid. Harry nor Hermione would never think of each other of more then just best friends. They always commented on how, 'she like a sister' or 'he's my brother' whenever someone asked if they had dated or were dating, which was stupid because Harry was dating Ginny. Yet, he couldn't help but feel jealous at their relationship. He and Hermione had never had that good of a relationship. They fought a lot and that often left them not talking to each other. Yet, he couldn't bring himself to be distanced from her for too long. He.... Liked her. There he said it. He a crush on his best friend. Not Lavender not anyone but Hermione.

Winter break snuck up on everyone. One minute it was the middle of November next it was the middle of December and time for break. Harry was stretched out in the compartment, his head in Ginny's lap as she absently ran her hands through his thick, messy hair. Harry was still mauling over the plans. Hermione and Ron were off on Perfect patrols so it was just him and Ginny.

"Harry, do you think, its going to work?" "It has to. It's all we've got." Ginny nodded. It **was** all they had. If it didn't work they might as well say adiós to Sirius's soul. He'd only evaded the kiss for the fact that he'd helped at the ministry. This 'pact' only lasted until the end of winter break. "I love you." Ginny whispered randomly. "I love you too." He whispered back before falling into a fitful sleep.

*"My lord. I have received news of a new prophecy. It could be the end of Potter. For good." "Good.... Where is it?" "Erm. That's the thng sir. It's in an, um, hole. The old fool, Dumbledore, his it in a hill full of protective charms. Only someone the size of a rat could access this prophecy." Voldemort sneered. "Malfoy, bring me Wormtail."*

Harry jerked awake to find Ginny smoothing her hands in a calming motion over his chest. "It worked. Step two. Catch the rat." He said, a sneer of distaste on his face.

"Harry, dear! Merlin your so thin!" Molly gushed as the kids arrived. "I am fine Mrs. Weasley. Really." She eyed him before giving him a tight hug. "Bye guys, I'll see you in a week." Hermione said waving goodbye before going of to find her parents.

After giving her other kids a hug, Molly ushered them towards the exit. Harry's hands were shaking slightly from the dream, he knew Voldemort had fallen into the trap but he didn't know if it would work. Ginny grabbed his hand squeezing lightly, calming his nerves. He intertwined their fingers tugging her closer. When Molly turned to talk again, she stopped short when she noticed their intertwined hands

. "We'll talk about this later she Arthur's home." She said, trying to sound angry, but, the joy and happiness in her features gave her away. Ron burst out laughing at Harry's completely horrified expression. Even Ginny couldnt help but giggle slightly.

Harry sat staring lookig scared witless at Ginny's mum and dad. Ginny sat at his side looking less happy then she had earlier. Harry's face was stark white and his legs and hands were shaking violently and he had to squish his legs together and clasp his hands to make it less noticeable. "So," Arthur started. If even possible Harry's face went paler. "What exactly is going on here?" Harry's eyes were as big as saucers and he was obviously wasn't going to say anything so Ginny spoke up. "Well you see, me and Harry sort of got together over the summer. You know, while I was living with him and I wasn't sure how to say that through a letter so......" She said slowly, trailing off at the end. Arthur regarded the young man I front of him. He looked so nervous, he wondered why. Deciding to speak his mind he said, "Why are you so nervous, Harry?"

The boy mumbled something in comprehendible before looking down at his hands. "Dad, can't you see he's not in any state of talking?" Ginny said exasperatedly."Why would that be?" Arthur asked. "Because I mess everything up." Harry mumbled. Ginny looked at him with concerned eyes. "You don't mess everything up." Harry mumbled something back and Ginny grabbed his hand. Molly watched in fascination as they communicated through movements and expressions. As if remembering they weren't alone Ginny looked up whilst Harry looked down at his hands, his cheeks rending. "Harry, I don't think you should be dating our Ginny." Aurther said clasping his hands in front of him.

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