Sequel Info!

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So, War torn is done! Wow, well anywhovian, there will be a sequel in a year or so... I know long wait but it's because I have fighting darkness, Ollie and the Marauders Era(which is on Hold) to work on so yea! Thanks for reading War torn!

~ mysecret_mindplace



Hi guys, so I just wanted to say that I have chosen to write a sequel (I was debating as to just leave it like this but whatever) but it won't be here for another... Six months or so...? I will probably post a few teaser chapters but I really don't have the time to dive back into another new book. I've already had to put Ollie on hold and delete the marauders era cause I can't keep up with updates and stuff. But just so you know, the title for the sequel is going to be either Torn Apart or stitched together or possibly mended.  All war torn updates will come from this chapter and I'll just ya.... So it'll kinda be like a newsletter of sorts. Anything new will be added here. So ya, thanks!

March 28th 2015

Well hello! I haven't done anything with war torn in ages! I've been super busy with Fighting Darkness and the sequel for War torn will most likely not be here for maybe even another year. But I wanted to let you guys know, I'm still mysecret_mindplace, but as you can see, username change.  I'm now White-Space. Well, hi again!

June 3rd, 2015

Hello people of the internet! Guess what...... I stared the sequel! The teaser will be up in about two weeks and the story should start being posted in not too long from then! My writing has improved a lot since the start of War Torn and I'm pretty exited with what I've done with the 2nd (and last) one. The title will be released next week! Happy reading
June 17th 2015

Hello Wattpaders! Guess what? Torn apart (the sequel) is finally out! Of course it's just a teaser chapter but I've already started on future Chapters! So yay!
June 29th? 2015

Hello people! So, I have decided to NOT edit war torn. As horrible as it is, I love to see how my writing skills have progressed since February of 2014! Even in my one shots you can see how my writing has gotten better. Torn Apart will be hundreds of times better as I'm putting so much more effort into it. I'm hoping to finish the book this summer because I'm starting grade 9 in the fall and I'm afraid I won't have nearly as much time as I need to write. The chapters won't start until I have the first 10 or so chapters done. In the mean time, please check out some of my other stories, specifically, Fighting Darkness! ((shamless self promoting)) it is an abused! Twin! Powerful! Supernatural! Harry story and it's so fun to write!

Well thanks Wattpaders!


August 24th, 2015

+I lied

I haven't even started Torn apart and I start school in a week..... Whoops?

Okay, so I JUST finished Fighting Darkness and it felt so good to not have the pressure to update all the time. I've lost a lot of interest in torn apart so it will be a longer wait I'm so sorry! There will be a sequel but I think it might just be a casual fic as I work on two another stories that won't be posted until they're completed. One is called Changing Directions (original story) and then a new Harry Potter fanfiction because I am trash called Harry Potter-Tonks. So um yah  sorry!
August 24th 2015

October 20th, 2015

+other stores

So, I only have two or three chapters started with Torn apart and I am so so so sorry. Over the past few months I've been in an everything slump. I couldn't finish a book for months, my writing was so bad (I had 0 inspiration) and I couldn't just sit and watch any of my shows. But, I'm finally ccoming out of that and I'm so so happy! I just finished Legend and now I'm reading the the pledge while I wait to get prodigy.

Anyways I have 3 (I know oh god) Stories I'm hoping to post soon in the works. Changing directions changed directions so I took a break from that to recollect my ideas for it buuut... I have some fantasy/si-fi novels coming your way guys! One is called The underground. It's about a girl from the past being thrown into the future, a boy named Dae who's golden hair is the definition of perfect, a night club called the underground and time travel demons in tutus. Cool eh?

The other is called Moonstone which is about a girl trying to find her family after being separated for them while trying to keep this Moonstone safe from the colours while also being a high ranking officer in the rebellion against the colours.

The last is a fanfiction (Harry Potter again fight me) which is called Harry Potter-Tonks which features adopted siblings Harry's and Tonks, independent Harry, smart Harry, powerful Harry and a few others.

So yah, later guys!

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