🖤 Six 🖤

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Jungkook's POV:

I gasped when I saw what was in the bags and tears started forming in my eyes. It was a picture frame of Namjoon and I in Middle school in a frame saying I love my boyfriend. When I read that my eyes widened "I'll explain in a second open the rest" Namjoon said and I pulled out 6 shirts all with the same text. 'I love my boyfriend' my eyes were still wide and he chuckled "One more" He said and I had a feeling it was something to do with Namjoon asking me out. I mean I liked him but I wasn't ready yet I literally just got home and I just met his FIVE boyfriends. I pulled out the last object. Its was just a card. 6 actually, they all said welcome home. I smiled and opened the first card.

'Everyday we want you to wear one of these shirts I suggests wearing the pastel one first ~Jiminnie'

I smiled and was about to open the second one but Yoongi stopped me before wrapping his arms around me again. "You open them every day so you have a shirt for everyday" Namjoon explained and I giggled "Okay" I said and smiled. "Well its getting late do you guys want to go to bed?" Namjoon asked and we all nodded. Yoongi put me on the sofa and all the boys picked me up carrying me upstairs. I was blushing and giggling like crazy. I was laid down gently on the bed and I was peppered with kissed making me giggle and blush even. "You're so cute" Jin said and they all agreed. I covered my face with my hands blushing so hard that I could probably pass as a tomato. "Stop covering your cute face" I heard Tae say only causing me to blush even more (if that was even possible)

My hands were forced away from my face but I immediately com covered my face again when I noticed them staring at me lovingly. "STOOOOP!!!!" I whined but giggling afterwards "How can someone be so ADORABLE!!!" I heard Hobi squeal and I ended up rolling off the bed but I didn't land on the ground because someone caught me. I opened my eyes to see Jimin caught me with one arm. "You're really light" Jimin said as Yoongi helped him push me back on the bed "He real is" Yoongi said and I groaned "I gotta go to the bathroom I'll be back" I said before rushing downstairs grabbing a random sweater then rushed to the bathroom and locked the door. I did my business and washed my hands before changing into my new sweater. 'I'll get in the shower later' I thought to myself before walking out in only my boxers and my oversized sweater. When I walked in they were all laying on the bed but had a little space for me. I sat on the bed staring at all 6 boys look at the things I liked most about them. Namjoon dyed his hair a purple color that looked really nice on him especially when he wore the bandana and he is horrible at dancing, always has been actually, and he's super clumsy. Taehyung, I noticed his collar bone and I almost screamed he also has a cute box smile and a really deep voice. Jin had broad shoulders but I don't care cause they make him look nice. Hobi was literally just a ball of sunshine there's nothing else to describe it he's just always smiling and giggling and hoping all over the place. Jimin was just flawless nothing else to say about him. Finally Yoongi, I love Yoongi's personality and style, Yoongi uses a lot of profanity I have noticed and is always scolded by Jin and he has a lot of Swag, he acts like a tough guy and school but when it was just the 7 of us he seemed like a completely different person, his squeal is literally the cutest thing too. Okay I need to stop ranting about Yoongi.

and then there's me. The 17 year old cross dresser that is "so adorable" and "so beautiful" and "cutest boy ever" according to the 6 boys but they were all amazing in their own ways. I loved their personalities the most. I suddenly let out a sigh and they all looked up at me. "Are you oka-- damn" I heard Yoongi and Namjoon say "Wow" Hobi and Tae said "You are so cute oh my gosh" Jimin and Jin squealed and I giggled quietly. "You look amazing in the sweater" Jimin said happily and I blushed covering my face again realizing I'm the center of attention again and I didn't realize I was falling until I was caught but Jin and Tae. "You need to stop falling off the bed" Namjoon said and I rolled my eyes doing a flip off the bed and landing on my feet "Leave me alone" I said smirking at their wide eyes and mouths ajar. "What?! I took gymnastics and dance lessons when I was younger and I still practice. It was really hard though" I said sighing and sitting back on the bed "Okay first can you do anything 'cool'?!" Jimin and Hobi said in unison. I nodded and motioned them to follow me "I dont want to kick anything" I said as I started pulling on a pair of PJ pants that Namjoon let me borrow for now but he told me to give them back when I'm done because there his favorite to wear to bed. They nodded following me to Namjoon's backyard. I told them to  back up. They obliged and stepped backwards until I told them to stop.

I took a deep breath before putting my arms above my head and doing a few cartwheels, a one handed round off and a flip in the air. I heard them quietly cheering trying not to wake up the neighbors. I smiled and did a one handed round off again and did a flip landing on my feet. They were wide eyed and so was I "okay um I never landed that before" I said and they're eyes widened again. I took another deep breath before doing a hand stand before going to a back hand spring. I flipped back again and sighed before going on my elbows and head and pulled the rest of my body upward. I dropped my legs down standing up before doing one more flip and finally finishing. They started clapping and I smiled still out of breath giggling. "It's not that amazing. Yeah its cool but its more tiresome and tedious" I said looking down hands on my legs to catch my breath.

"Jungkook you look exhausted" They said and I nodded before falling backwards and falling asleep. I curled into myself as I felt one of them pick me up and carry me inside to the bedroom. I felt myself being laid down the pants being taken off of me and the bed dip on every end. "Good night" I mumbled opening my eyes slightly to see them pecking each other on the cheek and eventually they all pecked me on the cheek. I giggled and I felt two pairs of arms wrap around me "I call cuddling Kookie tomorrow!!" I heard Jimin and Hobi said. I giggled quietly when they agreed. "Good night" I mumbled and they all said it before I let sleep overtake me finally.

A/N: this book is just too cute in my opinion. I am currently obsessed with this book. I hope people start reading this soon because I'm writing a book I'm in love with right now 😋😂


~Ellie 🖤

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