*Jay P.O.V*
Okay, so after what went down 2 weeks ago has happened like 8 or more times.
"Jay!" Dre called.
"Yeah, bae?" I called back out.
"What you doing?" he said walking downstairs into the kitchen where I was.
"Nothing eating some candy, why what's up?"
"Oh nothing". I knew what he wanted.
"Okay Dre come on".
"YES!" We walked upstairs. He got on me and took me down.
"DREEE FASTER!" I said as he was inside me. He came and we weren't using condoms. I knew what that meant. It's a possibility that I'm pregnant!
"Dre!" I said with a shocked look on my face.
"Yeah?" he replied laying on the bed.
"I might be pregnant. Because we weren't using condoms!" I ran into the bathroom and got out one of the pregnancy test. I keep them just in case. I did what I had to do and it didn't show. I took another one and Dre walked in with me a shirt, shorts, bra, and some panties to put on.
"Dre look is it positive?" I asked with a worried look on my face.
"It's negative!" Dre said shouting.
"Oh so you don't wanna have my kid?"
"I do but just one more month or week or next time you give me some!" Dre picked me up and took me down on the bed. This time I knew I was pregnant! He got off and I went to take a pregnancy test and it was POSITIVE!
"Dre guess what!" I said with the biggest grin on my face.
"Yeah bae?" he said from in the shower.
"We're pregnant!"
"WE what?"
"It's our baby so we're practically both pregnant if you're gonna help me through it. You have to deal with my mood swings. Oh and you have to help me give birth!" He sighed.
"Yup I will be a great father to OUR child. Oh and we are going out so get ready". I got in the shower with him and we put on matching outfits. We went to the beach were a candle lit dinner was set up.
"Awe, baby," I said kissing him. He got on one knee and said," Ja'Lynn Howard I love the fuck out of you! I couldn't or wouldn't dare to cheat on you. I could get payed 1 million dollars but I still wouldn't. You are my life, I swear. I couldn't live without you. I love you so much! Ja'Lynn Howard, Will you marry me?" he asked after a few tears fell.
"Yes, yes I will," I said whipping both of our tears away. He kissed my stomach. We kissed and someone has been takin' pictures of us but I don't know who! It was Lexi!! She got pictures of him kissing my stomach and plenty more. I walked over to her and hugged her.
"Congratulations boo," she said. I smiled.
"Thanks!" I said pulling away. We talked and soon Dre and I ended up at home tired as hell.
8 months later
*Jay P.O.V*
Ugh! This pregnancy is killing me! Dre wanna say something smart but he know about the mood swings. We didn't go get a ultra sound because we wanna be surprised. I'm due next week because it's been almost 9 months. Dre been puttin' up with my swings good lately. Lexi is just Lexi. She left Quan for a girl named, Bonequisha. Her nickname is, Bonequeque. Well now that I caught you up let's get to the story.
"Lexi what the fuck!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. " Quan was a good migga. Migga mean my nigga. Girl you gotta go. You got a baby by him and you leave him for a bitch? You got serious problems! Oh my fuckin' goodness! Get the fuck out!" She got up and walked out. I slammed the door in her face. She a stupid hoe! Quan still my nigga though!
Author's note: Sorry about the length of the chapter. I sowwy! Well hope you liked it. Thanks people! You guys are BOOTYFUL!!!!!!!! hugs and kisses! ;*
~Aniya :* ^.^ ¥

Sincerely, Jay (on hold)
Teen Fictiondescription of Ja'Lynn is the beginning of story.