*Andre P.O.V*
~Next week~
Cali and I were the first ones up. Jay was tired as hell so she been sleep a lot lately. I don't know if she told you but London and her not friends no more and London and Quan broke up so he got with Lexi and then Lexi left him for a bitch. I think that's fucked up. But anyway let's get to the story.
"Dre!" Jay yelled.
"In the kitchen!" I yelled back. She walked downstairs and hugged my waist. I smiled and kissed her.
"What up bae?" I asked her. She laughed and sat at the island.
"Nothing. Where's Cali?"she asked looking around.
"Right here!"
"Oh. Can I hold her?"
"Yeah here I already fed her".
"Thanks!" she kissed me and sat back down. I went into the living room with her following.
*Jay P.O.V*
~1 hour later~
Cali is sleep and Dre gone. I heard a knock at the door. Next thing you know I get pulled out the house. I couldn't see who it was.
*Andre P.O.V*
I got a unknown phone call.
Phone convo
Me: Hello?
???: What's up Andre!
Me: Who da fuck dis!
???: Richard!
Me: Who you nigga!
Richard: Yo girlfriend ex-bestfriend.
Me: Nigga you betta leave her alone. And our baby.
Richard: Already took them nigga.
Me: Nigga what the fuck. When I see you I'm killing you nigga!
I'm bout to loose my fucking mind. He betta leave them out of this. I'm finna beat his ass. I pulled up to the trap.
"Ay my niggas! This nigga named Richard got my babies! FUCK!" I yelled walking into the trap. Quan and Day Day jumped up.
"DAMN!" Quan yelled throwing the remote at the T.V.
"SHIT!" Day Day yelled walking to the van. We tracked this nigga down and found him at a warehouse out of the city.
"There that nigga is!" I semi-yelled.
"Put y'all guns on silencer," Day Day cried.
"Ight savages!" Quan said. It was 3 niggas in front. Killed them. 5 niggas in back and we soon found Richard with Jay and Cali.
"Shut that ugly ass baby up!" He yelled getting his gun out. I kicked the door down.
"Well well well!" He said.
"Yeah nigga I came!" I said pulling out my gun.
"Put the gun down or I'll shoot Jay!"
"We all know you won't do that!" Day Day cried.
"I'll shoot the ugly ass baby!"
"Call her ugly one mo time nigga!" I yelled. BOOM!!!! I looked around in confusion! Who shot him? I looked at Jay and she had a gun faced the ground. I ran over to her and kissed her and Cali.
"Babe, you had a gun this WHOLE time?" I asked pointing towards the gun.
"Yeah!" she cried looking down.
"Well why you didn't use it?"
"Because I wanted to see if you'll come for me!"
"I will always. You know this! It'll never happen again!" She nodded and we went home.
*Jay P.O.V*
~3 months later~
Cali is now 3 months old. She looks like me and Dre at the same time. She said her first word which was," momma". It was sweet but Dre being Dre thought her first word should've been daddy. Either way it goes it was cute. Her eyes change colors due to her mood. Dre spoils her a little TOO much. She got diamond studs and I don't even got none. DRE AND I ARE HAPPILY MARRIED! We got married 2 months ago. We had a blast. We were our rings every day. Lexi went back to Quan. Bonequeque left and moved to The Bronx. She was heartbroken. I felt sad for her. Lexi and Quan married. London died 2 weeks ago. I was devastated even though we ain't friends. We went to her funeral yesterday. She was still beautiful as always. She was in a terrible car accident. Well enough about that cause ima cry let's get to the story.
I walked downstairs with Cali in my hands. Dre was watching football in the living room.
"Really Andre!" I semi-yelled laughing.
"What?" he asked confused. He was sitting like a old man! It was hilarious. I sat by him. He kissed me and continuously watched T.V.. I handed him Cali and walked to the kitchen.
"Dre you wanna take Cali to Day Day house cause he wanna have her for a day," I yelled from in the kitchen. No answer! I walked in the living room and stood in front of the T.V.
"Move Ja'Lynn!" He yelled..
"Did you hear what I said?" I asked turning off the T.V..
"Yes now move!"
"Ask politely!"
"Ja'Lynn please move out the front of the T.V.!"
"Not polite!"
"Please baby. I love you!"
"Tadaa!" I put Cali on a pink dress that said "Diva Alert". I put me on some shorts with a black shirt and some black sandals. Dre just put on some shorts with a black shirt and his Nike sandals. We hopped in the car and drove to Day Day house. Once we got there I gave Day Day Cali and we went back home. Once we got inside I sat on the couch on my phone. Dre took it.
"Really Andre August!" I yelled.
"Yes really Ja'Lynn Howard!" He yelled back.
"What do you want!?"
"Some of you!"
"Not now so give me my phone back!"
"Not until I get some!" He got on top of me and we kissed hard but passionately. He carried me upstairs then took me down (no condoms).
*Andre P.O.V*
~The next morning~
What happened last night was the best! Since 3 in the morning, Jay been throwing up. I looked down at my member and said," Why!?" I knew she was pregnant cause she told me. I would love to be a father of two kids. Well now let's get to the story.
I walked into the room bathroom and saw Jay throwing up. I held her hair.
Author's note: Hope you liked it. Vote, comment, and follow me.
~Aniya ^.^ ¥£@H!!!!

Sincerely, Jay (on hold)
Teen Fictiondescription of Ja'Lynn is the beginning of story.