Excuse the mistakes. Don't judge.
Hey people. I'm Ja'Lynn Howard. I'm 17. I'm light skinned, got blue eyes, red hair, mad swag, and thick. If you get on my bad side, it's hard to get off unless I really love you. My best friend is London. She thick, too. We go to Jefferson High School. My heart is taken by Andre August. We been together for 3 years. London is taken by Andre's best friend, Ja'Quan. I live with my older brother, Dashawn. My mom and dad died in a house invasion a couple years back. Okay, let's get to the story.
*Ja'Lynn P.O.V*
Dashawn woke me up with all the moanin' comin' from his room. He have all type's of hoes in this house. I hopped out of bed and got in the shower for about 35 minutes. When I got out, I put on some high waist booty shorts, a white crop top, and some Jordan's.
"Day Day, I'm leavin'," I yelled. No response. I shook it off and walked outside. I was waiting on Dre. Once he got here, I got in the car and we went to his house. I decided I'll skip school today because that bitch ass principal gon' get his ass whooped. When we got in his house, I jumped on the couch.
"Nah nah nah!" Dre cried. "No jumping, I just got that cleaned".
"Alright, alright, chill," I said kissing his cheek.
"Ay Jay Jay, what you want to eat".
"Uh, some Neapolitan ice cream".
"Ight". He gave me the ice cream and a kiss on the lips. Once he sat down, I got up and sat on his lap.
"So Jay, what you been up to," he asked still eyeing the T.V.
"Nothing. You know it's gonna make 5 years my mom and pops been dead next month?" I asked looking at him.
"I'll take you to visit their grave that day okay bae," he said looking at me with watery eyes. His dad killed his mom, then killed himself. I think that was fucked up. We watched Maury and I fell asleep in his arms.
~The next morning~
*Andre P.O.V*
Jay and I was sleep on the couch. I kissed her forehead.
"Dre, can you carry me upstairs," she asked with her eyes still closed. I got up and carried her upstairs. I put her in my bed and walked to the bathroom. She walked in right after me.
"I call getting in first," she said wrapping her hair up.
"How about we get in together," I said walking up behind her, touching her ass. I can't lie but it was big as hell.
"Andre!" she yelled but didn't move. "Don't try nothing freaky. I don't want to have a baby at 17 okay".
"Alright bae, but we can use protection!" She didn't say nothing. We got in the shower, but I didn't try nothing!
Author's note: Don't judge. Vote, comment.!

Sincerely, Jay (on hold)
أدب المراهقينdescription of Ja'Lynn is the beginning of story.