Will you answer your phone?
I always do! What's wrong?
You're what's wrong
Sent @ 7:24 am
What did I do?Sent @ 8:55 am
Nvm. I guess I'm just being
melodramaticBabe, what's up? Please tell me
Really. It's nothing. I'm fine
Don't say that. I know you. You
aren't fineI just really miss you I guess
I miss you too babe. I really
wish I was holding youMe too.
Do you think that people are mad
at me?Why would people say that?
I don't know. I feel hella
selfish at times, probably
because I miss you.Is this about the hate? Darling,
don't listen to them. They aren't
real fans if they can't accept that
I have a girlfriendIt just, it's so overwhelming that I
HAD to disable my commentsCarissa and Cameron tried to tell
me something was up, but when I
tried to call, you didn't answerWhat's with them anyway?
Carissa and Cameron are a thing
now. They're a secret so don't tellAnd I didn't pick up because I
thought you were mad at meWhy would I be mad?
Well, you seemed pretty pissed
at Cam when he was being nice.
We are talking more and
he's over the whole thing.
He's really sweet.It was probably just my mind
telling me you were going to rantOh.
I have to go and do soundcheck.
Promise me you'll still talk to me?Of course.
Okay. I love you so much, Blair.❤️
I love you too ❤️