Chapter 3 ∞

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So you know how teachers love kids that come to class early cause you know they just do. Well not this teacher. You wanna know why? Cause I caught my fucking teacher pretty much having sex on his desk with a student! Like okay he's a hot teacher and all but come on people having sex with a teacher is just WRONG. (A/N No hurt to anyone that secretly wants to have sex with their teacher or you know already is cause bro that ain't my shit to interfere in & also it's just a book.)

Now you people were probably expecting something super mind blowing didn't you? Don't need to lie I know you did but walking in on your teacher and a student having sex is mind blowing just you know not in a good way. My poor virgin eyes. Please who am I kidding I've accidentally, key word right there accidentally, seen James dick which sadly makes my eyes unpure. Now that is a story for another day though.

Still seriously I even knew better then to almost have sex in an open classroom like goodness gracious at least get a closet. Actually firstly I wouldn't even have sex at school like save that nasty shit for your bedroom! At least now I know not to go anywhere near his desk.

I quickly walked out and shut the door very loudly so they would know someone saw them just not who. Mwahaha I feel so evil. That's really sad. I feel evil for shutting a classroom door loudly. What has my nerd life gotten me into?

So now I had no where to go because I was most defiantly not going back into that classroom until more people came in. I shuddered. Something I will never forget.

So instead I just sat against the wall waiting for the bell to ring. I seriously hope nobody steps on me. I'm not even that small but still.

"Bell, Bell! Are you okay?! That was so flippin' cruel of him to do that. I can't believe him. Don't worry I yelled at him for you."

Of course it was the one and only Jess. Well she is my only friend but I never really counted her as a friend. I felt kind of bad. She stood up for me and here I am telling myself how I never thought of her as friend. And because of that reason I stood up and hugged her. Let me tell you this, I don't just go around hugging people like it's a natural thing. So hugging her was hard to do but I felt like I needed too.

"Thanks for everything Jess." I tried to make my voice break a bit but I think I failed terribly. Hopefully she didn't notice.

"Aww that's what friends do don't they?" Yup she took the bait. I repeat she took the bait.

"Yup. That's what friends do." I guess Jess is sorta my friend after all. Just can't let her get to close or we all know what happens then. Well some of you might but that's beyond the point.

I tried to get out of Jess's tight hug. It was pretty hard. The girl barely let go until I told her she was squeezing the life outta me. Right when she let go, I noticed Mr. Wall headed towards me. I knew he was probably not coming towards me but the classroom but still. I didn't want to talk to him especially since I had to FAKE cry in front of him. So I quickly booked it inside of the classroom and prayed that the teacher and the student were done having sex.

Luckily they were done and I didn't have to witness anything gross. Luck also decided to be on my side for a little longer as I watched Mr. Wall take a seat on the other end of the class. Thank god.

"So today we will be watching a video of how animals hunt for their prey." Well doesn't this sound fucking interesting. I'm going to learn how animals hunt their pray. When am I ever going to use this in life? You know unless some guy from the future sticks a needle in me and turns me into a vicious animal. Which will not happen. Though I don't want to jinx anything.

That's not even my worst part. I didn't even have my sketchbook with me. I must have left it in my locker. You see I love drawing and without it I don't know what I'd do. This is how I get through all my boring classes; by drawing. This class is going to be hell and I knew it. The teacher probably just wanted some free time so he could stare at his little lover that was sitting right in front of me.

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