Chapter 1 ∞

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Would that damn clock ever shut up I said groaning into my pillow. It sounds like it's more excited for my first day of senior year then I am. Wait shit! My first day of senior year and I'm going to be late. Great going Bell. 

I jumped outta my bed ninja fast and went straight to the bathroom to get ready. I did my normal routine like I usually do. I put my wig on and frizzed it up a bit so it looks all bad and nothing like a real princesses hair. Put my contacts on so no one would notice I have the exact same eye color as the princess which you know I do cause duh I am the princess. I changed into a quick pair of clothes and I was ready to go. Wait. Lets not forget about my signature nerd glasses. With that I was out the door! 

I got into my beat up car and drove off to school. I made sure I didn't buy some kind of expensive car so nobody would question me on how I got all this money. The whole school already knows I live by myself for stupid reasons they made up. I'd like to keep it like that.

I drove into the schools parking lot slowly looking for a parking spot. I got lucky and found one not to far away from the school. I got out, taking all my stuff out with me and headed for the doors. Luck decided to not be on my side as I got pushed to the ground making all my stuff fall out of my bag. I was pissed but I had to act like the innocent, shy nerd I am. 

I was never actually shy or innocent if you wanted to know. Even when I was a princess I was always pretty blunt to people and spoke exactly what came to mind. I also never liked to follow the rules. Guess you could say I wasn't quite fit for the role of princess. 

Anyway. I gathered up all my stuff not looking up at the person that pushed me cause I already knew who it was. Amanda. God damn do I hate her. I don't even know what I did to have her hate me and have the school turn their backs on me. I was just about to leave but she just had to make a snarky comment.

"Ha I'm not surprised that you still look like the same pathetic loser you were 2 months ago." She snorted like it was the most hilarious thing she's said all day and she calls me the pathetic loser. 

I tried to walk away again without giving a reply but she wasn't letting me go.

"What cat got your tongue?" She snarled at me. I was just about to reply but the bell saved my ass that would have been kicked if I didn't shut my mouth before it was to late. 

This time she let me go but still glared me down. What was her problem. Oh yeah me. I hurried to my locker so I could get all my books I needed for my class that I was already late for. I was just about to enter the classroom when I got a text. I quickly looked at it and my whole face brightened. 

It was from my best friend James that was back home at the castle. If I can even call that home anymore. We literally grew up together. There hasn't been a single day he hasn't been there for me. Always texting and calling me about what's happening in his life and how he misses me so much. No before you jump to conclusions. No. Me and James have never dated nor will we ever. You might ask why? He's gay. 

-Miss you :((- Sometimes I really do miss the castle when James tells me he misses me. 

-I miss you too :( I promise to skype you when schools over kay?-

-Shit forgot your still in school. Sorrrrrry. And you better skype me when you get back-

-Pssh you do this every time ;p and when have I never?-

-Actually.. You did this one time..-

-We can continue with this conversation later. Bye. Love you!-

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