Chapter 4 ∞

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I woke up pretty happy today. Wanna know why? Well, because it's the weekend! How can you not be happy when you wake up and realize it's the weekend. No annoying teachers and their stupid ass assignments. Now that's just amazing.

I can finally work on my canvas I was making for James. Now you're probably wondering why I'm making a canvas for him when he's all the way across the world. Well for the past 2 years I've been secretly sending him my paintings. James has always been a big fan of my paintings, so that's why I paint for him. Also I feel closer to him in some sort of way I can't explain.

This painting is very special though. I've been working on it for such a long time. I want it to be just perfect. It's a painting of when me and James first met. You might not think it's that big of a deal but it is to me.

I cleaned up the table after finishing my breakfast and went to my little art studio. You see, this apartment had two bedrooms and since I don't plan on inviting any guests, I turned my guest room into an art studio. I gotta say I'm pretty proud of it.

I put on my art jumpsuit. You know those jumpsuits artists wear when their painting, yeah those. I lightly dipped the end of my paintbrush into a misty grey. I carefully glided the paintbrush around the outside of James eyes. I was in my own world as I painted. It's like I shut the world out and only focus on my art but you know my phone just had to break my concentration with it's annoying ring tone which I should really change.

I looked down at my phone to see that it was Jess. I ignored it. I didn't really feel like socializing at the moment or any moment actually. I continued painting while my phone rang over and over again. It was about the fifth time she called that I decided to pick it up.

"What's so important that you had to call me about five times for it?" I grumbled annoyed.

"Well, I wanted to hang at the mall with you since we haven't really hung outside of school. It'll be fun I promise! We can go shopping and look at cute boys to-"

"No I can't. I'm kinda busy at the moment."

"PLEASE! PLEASE! I will drove over to your house and make you come." She was screaming into my ear. I probably have to get my ears checked now. Just fucking lovely.

"You don't even know where I live." Ha take that Jess. Sucker.

"I have people that could track you down, you know." As creepy and weird that is, I panicked. I wasn't going to take any chances of her figuring out where I live so I said yes, sadly.

"Fine. I'll meet you at the food court in about an hour." Within that I hung up.

This sucks dick. I have one hour to get ready. One fucking hour. I should have said two hours. Why do I always think of these things after.

I quickly locked my art studio and ran up the stairs like a fucking ninja. Didn't wanna be late and piss Jess off.

I took the quickest shower known to man. I hate taking quick showers. Beats the whole purpose of showering. Now before you go all gaga over me about how showering is suppose to be only to rub yourself clean and then bam your done. Nope at all. It's to let your inner popstar out. None of that damn thinking shit.

Like come on! Who wants to be thinking about life decisions when you're naked?! Being a naked singing sensation sounds a whole lot better if you ask me.

As I was walking out of the door with my whole nerdy outfit on I got a call from Jess.

"Oh my god! You won't believe it!"

"No hi, How are you Bell?"

"There's no time for hi's when the hottest man to ever live is sitting at the table next to me! Plus where are you anyway? I'm gonna hunt you down myself if you don't come. I'm warning you. I look like a complete idiot sitting alone."

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