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        My heart began to speed up the more our lips stayed connected. His hands snaked around my waist, and my hands running through his hair. Our lips molded together perfectly, not once did one of us try to catch our breath. Our tongues fought for dominance, but he ended up winning. 

     I was happy. Finally, someone made me happy, made me forgot everything bad that's happening. Someone I want to spend every day of every second with cuddling, holding hands, and kiss. Nothing could ruin this moment. Or so I thought. 

    Our making out session was interrupted by my phone ringing. I slowly pulled away, resting my forehead on his smiling, even though I was upset. Who could be calling, surely it wasn't my father or Charlie, they knew where we were and they know not to ruin our partying. 

   "That's a mood killer." Harry teased, I let out a laugh, giving him a quick slow kiss. 

    I dig into my back pocket, pulling out my phone. Harry kept me in his grasp, I put the phone between us, my emotions getting angrier when I looked at the caller I.D. 


   I just looked at the phone, unsure if I should answer it. Harry noticed the look on my face, and gave me a questioning look while brushing a piece of strand hair behind my ear. 

   "It's my mother." I said. Harry knew what my problem with my mother was this time. I told him everything over the phone, or in person. He gave a slight, then lifted my chin with his index finger. 

    "She is still your mother, Paislee." Harry said softly. "You only get one of those. No matter how angry or upset you get with her, you know she will always love you. I think you should talk to her."

   He was right. God, I hated when he was right. I nodded my head understandingly. I accepted the call, taking a few steps away from Harry. 

   "Hello?" I answer. I hear a sigh of relief on the other end. Why would she be so worried? She was the one who didn't even want to send her daughter off to another state. 

   "Paislee." She said, letting out another deep breath. "Thank god your okay, Honey. Where have you been? Why haven't you called me?" 

    "I don't know mother." I snapped. I hated when she did this. She would question me about the obvious. I've had enough of it, I couldn't handle it. My mother needed to straighten up. "Why haven't I called? I think about it."

   "This isn't about not taking you to the airport is it?" She questioned. I rolled my eyes. I looked at Harry, he gave me a small nod, telling me to talk to her. 

   "Yes, mom. It is." I replied, frustratingly. "Every year you do that, and i'm tired of it."

   "Honey, you know it's because your fathe-"

    "No." I sternly said, getting tired of the father excuse. "Ever sine you and dad got a divorce and you found out about Charlie, you have acted so differently. You never want to talk about dad, you're constantly drinking. You're acting like A child, and i'm acting like the adult!"

    It was quiet on the other end. She's either debating about hanging up, or she knows what i'm saying is the truth. I continued talking, saying everything that was on my chest. 

   "You've pushed me away mom." I softly said. "You don't care what happens in my life. You're supposed to be there to talk to about boys, school, and everything else, but you're just not. Dad and Charlie always are. It's come to the point where i'm thinking about moving here."

    "Paislee. Don't say that." My mother sternly said, obviously pissed about what I just said. "You live here. You have a life here."

    I turned around, looking at Harry. He smiled at me, and I smiled back. It felt like everything was in slow motion. As I stared into his green eyes that I love, I knew. Wherever this idiotic boy was, that's the place I want to be. He was my happiness. 

    "No, mom. It's not." I said, shaking my head even though she couldn't see. "My life is standing right in front of me."

   "Paislee. You're staying here with me and that's final." She stated, not wanting to talk about it. 

   "I'm eighteen, mother, you don't get to control my life anymore." I state. 


    "Listen mom. I'm at a party and I would really like to enjoy my time, and i'm not having fun by talking to you. We'll talk about his later." I say, and hang up the phone, proud of myself for standing up for once, and it felt so good. 

    I walked over to Harry. He pulled me into his arms, his hands on my waist, and mine connected around his neck. He smirked, and I raised an eyebrow. 

   "So." He began. "I'm your life?" I blush, letting my head fall down. I quickly look back up. 

   "I don't know, but it's pretty close." I say. "All I know is that, wherever you are, that's where I want to be."

    He didn't say anything, instead, he crashed his lips into mine once more. I liked the feeling of being wrapped up in his arms, knowing i'm his. It felt right, it felt safe. He slowly pulled away. He grabbed my hand with both of his, getting down on one knee. 

   "Paislee Martin." He said. "Will you be my girlfriend?" 

    I shook my head, laughing at how stupid he was, but also how adorable. 

   "Yes." I said, bending down and planting a kiss on his lips. He got up and gave me hug, lifting me in the air, then placing me down gently. 

   "Shall we?" He questioned, holding his hand out for me to grab. I grabbed it, and we began our journey inside. 

   Ready to face what's to come next. 



This chapter is just a tad bit shorter than the rest, but I hope you still enjoyed anyway! :))

Also, wow two updates again?! Tbh it might be like that for the next couple of days since I, literally spending eight hours by myself at my dads apartment while he's at work, so I hope that's okay with you guys!! :)))



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