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[ H A R R Y ]

      The day came that every one was dreading, especially Paislee and I. I knew that once she left, our relationship would need to be stronger than before to make this work, and I was willing to put in every ounce of it. 

     I'm in love with her, and I want to tell her, I just don't know how. I don't even know when a good time will be to tell her. I was thinking of doing it before she gets on the plane, but if I do that, she might feel even worse for leaving and that can't happen. 

    Luckily enough though, I talked her parents, mainly her father, into letting the lads and I take her to the airport. Her father trusted me, and even told me he liked me, so that was like a big wave of relief to hear. 

   It was currently ten in the morning, and her flight is in an hour and a half. I didn't feel like dressing up much, so I wore some basketball shorts and a white shirt. Paislee went with some tights, and an over sized tank top. She looked so adorable. 

   We arrived at the airport about thirty minutes afterwards, giving us only an hour until they begin boarding. With every minute passing by, I held Paislee tighter in my grasp and my heart began to gradually gain speed. 

   We had all eaten before heading over to her gate. We ate at Buffalo Wild Wings, none of us had been there except for Paislee and Julia. They promised it's an amazing restaurant, and that we would love it. Of course Julia talked Niall into going, and Paislee talked me into going, then we convinced the rest of them to join. 

   After sharing some wings, fries, and many laughs, we headed over to the gate. My heart quickly sank, knowing I only had a few minutes left with the girl I love. I made sure to study every inch of her face like it was my last time ever seeing it, enjoying all the little things I love about her. 

    "flight 1528 to Houston Texas is now boarding." The ladies voice spoke through the microphone. 

   I could feel Paislee flinch at the sound of her words. I squeezed her closer to me, giving her a reassuring smile. Through the corner of my eyes I could see some Papz already taking photo's, but I didn't care, all that mattered right now is Paislee. 

   We all slowly got up. I let go of her hand, letting her go to every person to say good bye. First was Julia, there was some tears, but nothing they couldn't handle since they have both done this for quite sometime now. 

   Next was Zayn, it was short and sweet. She then moved onto Liam, who's goodbye was the same as Zayn's. Then came Niall, his was slightly longer, probably because she was telling him to treat Julia right. 

   Then came Louis. His was the longest. Him and Paislee grew close over the last few weeks, and to be honest I was glad, my girlfriend and my best friend, close friends. When they had released from the hug I noticed Paislee giving Louis an envelope with his name on it, and tears were streaming down both of there faces. She then turned, and made her way to me. 

    "I guess it's my turn, huh?" I tried to joke. She gave a weak smile.

    She slightly nodded, and intertwined both of our hands. She looked down at the ground, almost as if she was lost for words. 

   "I'm going to really miss you Styles." She said, looking directly into my eyes. 

   "I'm going to miss you too." I replied, brushing a piece of strand hair behind her ear. 

  "Listen." She said, cupping my face with her free hand. "I wrote a note to Louis, the boys, and you." She grabbed two more envelopes out of her bag, and handed them to me. I looked at her in a confused manner before grabbing them from her hand. 

   "What are these?" I say in a hushed tone. She cups my face once more, snaking her hand to the back of my head and running her fingers through my curly hair. 

   "Letters." She replies. "Every thing I have to say is in those letters. I'm not very good at expressing my feelings face to face, so I put them into meaningful letters." She let out a pity laugh before speaking once more. "Promise me you and the guys won't read the, until you leave and alone."

    I look at the letters in my hand, looking at her handwriting on the front. What could she possibly not say to us to our faces? Maybe saying goodbye was way harder than I thought it would be for her. 

   "What couldn't you say to us?" I ask worried and eager. She thinned her lips, with a guilty look on her face. 

   "Just trust me okay?" She says. I nod slowly. 

   "Last call for flight 1528 to Houston Texas." The voice said once more. 

  Paislee quickly grabbed my face, crying into the kiss. This kiss was different from all the rest, it was a hungry, passionate, lingering kiss. All the other ones never felt like this, and it made me wonder. As she slowly pulled away, she rested her forehead on mine, crying. 

   "What kind of kiss was that?" I ask jokingly, brushing her tears away. She let out a laugh at my question. 

   "A 'I'll see you later' kiss." She replied. She tore away from my grasp, grabbing her bags. "I should probably get going."

   "Yeah." My voice barely above a whisper, I cleared my throat. She began making her way to the flight attendant, tears streaming her face. "Paislee!" I yell after her. She quickly turns around, wiping her tears away. "I..." I begin to say, ready to tell her I love her, but the words never escape. "I'm going to miss you."

   She smiled before replying. "I'm going to miss you too Styles." And with that, she quickly disappeared into the plane. Leaving me with tears streaming down my face. 




Anyway, thank you guys for over 270 reads! It means so much to me!!

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