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[ P A I S L E E ]

      A couple of hours had passed by since I talked to the boys. Hopefully Harry had told the rest of the boys about Julia and I's big surprise party, which i'm sure he did. If i'm being honest, Julia and I have been waiting for them to finish their album. 

      We had talked to their music producers about throwing them a party, celebrating their hard work they put into making this album. They happily agreed, and said they would invite their close friends, and inform the boys to invite their family members. 

    Inviting family members, meant meeting Harry's mother and sister. I wasn't so nervous about meeting Harry's sister Gemma, he mentioned that she was really kind and accepting. He said the same for his mother, but everyone gets nervous about meeting their boyfriend/girlfriends family, especially the parents. 

      I knew that meeting his mother and sister, means I have to dress up. But not too dressed up to where it makes me look like a hoe. I'm sure Harry has sent some pictures to his mother of me and him, and has talked good about me. I was so nervous for tonight, now I knew how Harry must of felt when he met my family. 

     As we were setting up the downstairs living room, into a somewhat party space, I looked at the clock hanging above the TV. It was currently five-thirty, giving us about an hour and a half before every one would start arriving. 

    I had called Jesse, inviting him to the party, and asking if he had anything we could borrow for the party. He happily agreed, bringing a cute small photo booth he keeps in his store that no one really uses. He even got us a huge 'congratulations' poster, and all kinds of other decorations. 

    Julia had gotten the snacks, and made some good food, then placed it all out on the table in the kitchen. I had gotten drinks and paper plates and cups, then I went to help Jesse set up the decor. Once we had finished decorating, Julia and I went upstairs to get ready, while Jesse left to get cleaned up a bit. 

     Julia started on her makeup, while I started on my outfit. I looked through my closet, swiping past everything. The only thing going through my mind was 'What's good enough to make me not look like a slut in front of Harry's mother?' It's not that my outfit's are slutty, because their not, but this is my first impression and I want to wear something that's gorgeous. 

     "Jules." I said, sighing, turning my attention towards her. She stopped whatever makeup she was applying and looked at me. "I don't know what to wear. I'm going to be meeting Harry's sister and mother for the first time tonight, and I don't want to wear anything that makes me look like a slut."

     "Paislee." Julia said, with a pity laugh at the end. "She won't think that. I'm one hundred percent sure Harry has mentioned only amazing things about you to his family. She probably already loves you, and is super excited to meet you. The girl who stole her sons heart."

      I smiled, not being able to contain it. She was right, and I knew it. I couldn't help it though, that's just what I do, I over think things. But luckily for me, I had someone like Julia, to help keep me calm, and stop over thinking things. 

   "You're right." I said, shaking my head, rubbing my forehead. "I need to stop over thinking this."

    She smiled, then turned back to the mirror, continuing her makeup. I turned back to my closet, looking through my options for the second time. Halfway through, I found something that could be perfect for tonight.

    It was a white, off the shoulder dress, that had a scrunchies belt around the waist, and the dress ended above my knees. I grabbed it, knowing this was the right option. I slipped out of my clothes, not caring that Jules was in the room, and slipped into the dress. 

    I went to the mirror, looking at myself. It looked gorgeous, this was the one. I walked over to my bathroom, turning my straightener on, then running it through my long brown hair. I then put on my pearl choker lying on the sink, then went next to Jules, to apply my makeup. 

    I had gone very light on my makeup, not wanting to cake my face. I put on a very earth-tone looking eye shadow, that wasn't too heavy. I put on some mascara, and the other usual products. When both Julia and I were done, the clock had read six-thirty. 

    "You look absolutely stunning Paislee!" Julia said in awe, looking at me from head to toe. I blushed, letting out a small laugh. 

    "You really think so?" I said, looking down at myself, then back at her. 

    "Totally." She said. "You're going to blow his family away."

    "Thanks Jules." I said, with a smile. "You look beautiful as always. Niall's family is really going to love you as well."

    "Oh my god." Julia said, eyes and mouth wide open. I just looked at her in confusion. "I totally forgot that Niall's family is coming."

    "Hey, it's going to be okay, don't stress about it." I stated, trying to calm her down like she did for me. 

    "I'm not stressed or worried. I just can't believe I forgot." She said. We both just stared at each other. Moments later, we busted out in laughter, and we had no idea why we were laughing, but we just were. 

    A few minutes later the bell had rung, signaling that people were making their way here. Julia and I looked at each other smiling. 

    "Ready?" Julia asked, holding out her arm for me to link with, and I did just that. 





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