Chapter 3:Fight for her!

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D-Did he just...? Oh my god!HE'S REALLY LOST HIS MIND! "HAAAAWK!!! WAIIIT!!!" l yelled while jumping into the gate after him....when l reached the Earth, l fell on Hawk...."ARGH!" we both groaned "BACK! TRAVIS! YOU ARE HEAVIER THAN AN ELEPHANT!!!! GET OFF OF ME!" he groaned "HEY! I'M NOT!!!!" nevermind, l got up and helped him up as well.We started dusting off our clothes and then he looked around and turned to me 'WHERE DOES HE STAY?!" l didn't answer.He held my collar and started shaking me "TRAVIS! WHERE DOES HE STAY?!?!?!" he said more angrily and in an even more serious tone "l-l don't know" l answered while sweating "YOU'RE LYING!!!" he shouted at me,"IF YOU DON'T TELL ME WHERE'S THAT IDIOT, I'LL TELL LING-LING THAT YOU LOVE HER!" I froze on my spot "Y-you won't do something like that r-right?"
"JUST TRY TO LIE ME AND SEE WHAT WILL HAPPEN!" he gave me a death look " won!Come...." he thought l was leading him to  Adrian but....l had a surprise for him....He doesn't know about here,right? So, he doesn't know where l'm leading him either...."Here we are...." l knocked on the door "Good!" he said while readying his fists.Then someone opened the door.....

"NOW YOU'RE DEADH!" I jumped over the person who opened the door and lifted my fist to punch but..."R-Rose...?!" "Hawk?W-What are you doing?!D-did you want to punch me?!" she said as she glanced at my hand....TRAVIS YOU'RE DEAD!!!! "N-No! Of course not!" l immediately got off and helped her to get up "i-it's just l was showing Travis....h-how l defeat a monster!Right Travis?" l gave him a 'YOU'RE DEAD!' look.He glupped "Y-yeah...r-right...u...uh..."
"umm okay...?But....what are you doing on the Earth Hawk?"
"l'll tell you but...first you tell me that WHAT ARE YOU DOING AT THAT IDI— I-I MEAN AT A..ADRIAN'S LITTLE CASTLE!!!!!"
"Castle?*giggles*Hawk,it's not a castle, it's a's my house!" "Y-Your house?!" l turned to Travis to kill him but...he was gone..."YOU'RE DEAD YOU LITTLE BRAYER!" l whispered to myself "Did you say something?" Rose asked "And....what are you doing here..? You have any allowance to come Earth..?" she asked curiously "Oh! l'm so sorry!Please come in!" she stepped aside and gestured inside with her hand "You sure that it it's not a bother?"
"Of course,l insist!Besides, my parents know about R.A,remember?" she replied "um...okay?if you say so..." l went inside and suddenly she held my hand and ran while saying excitingly "YAY!MY FRIEND FROM FAIRY TALE LAND CAME TO THE EARTH!!!I SHOULD INTRODUCE YOU TO MY PARENTS!" l blushed and she led me next to her parents "MOM!DAD! LOOK!THIS IS HAWK! MY FRIEND FROM R.A!" her mom smiled and said "Oh!You're the grandson of Snow White right?It's a pleasure to meet you!"
"The pleasure belongs to me, Mrs.Cinderella" l bowed
"Please call me Mrs.Clara" she said nicely..Rose's father came 3 step forward and said "So, you're in the same team with Rose,right?"
"Y-yes sir" l stuttered..l was so nervous...what if he doesn't like me?! He can forbid Rose to meet me or come to the R.A!!!Alright Hawk, just relax and do your best! "I could swear l saw you somewhere but....AH! l remember! Y-you were at the shoe store ME DID YOU EVER GIVE AN APPLE TO ROSE?!" "*glup*y-yes sir...l...l did.." l confessed "YOU'RE THE BOY I SAW AT THE SHOE STORE! WHY WERE YOU TALKING TO MY DAUGHTER?! WHY DID YOU GIVE HER AN APPLE?! WHY ARE YOU HERE?! ARE YOU HER BOYFRIEND?!" oh my god! He totally doesn't like me!My life is ruined!Now l can never be Rose's prince charming..."l-l—"
"EHM!let me explain dad!" l was interrupted by Rose "l'm listening...." her dad crossed his arms "Well, he gave me an apple because l was hungry (she is lying to protect ♡Hawk♡) and he was with me because we were sent to Earth to get a favorite meal task, so he wanted to learn more things about Earth,that's why we were talking,and about what he is doing on Earth, l think something happened....can you tell us Hawk?" she turned to me "l-l...l was about to leave after you went into the gate but...somehow l fell inside and when l opened my eyes, l was on Earth...? T-then l found Travis and he said he can help me so, he brought me here..but l didn't have any idea that it was your house..." l lied all parts except the last one...what? What do you want me to say? l was really freaking  jealous of that guy and jumped into the gate like crazy? of course l can't say the truth! "So, he isn't your boyfriend?" her dad raised an eyebrow.I sighed " l wish...." wait....DID I SAY THAT OUT LOUD?! "WHAT?!" Rose and her dad asked in unison "n-nothing..l-l didn't say anything!" then l noticed that Mrs.Clara was smiling to me "Dad,you know that l don't have a boyfriend!" Rose replied "l just wanted to make sure!" her dad ignored me..l felt really awkward..."Well,l guess it's settled,so Hawk dear, wanna join us for the supper?" Mrs.Clara asked while walking up to me "I'd be honored!" l replied "YAY!I'II HAVE MY SUPPER WITH MY BEST FRIEND!C'MON HAWK! LET'S WASH OUR HANDS AND GO TO THE KITCHEN!!!" Rose held my hand and led me to the bathroom while running....after we washed our hands,l said before we left the bathroom..."Your parents are so nice but...l think your dad doesn't like me..."
"oh,don't worry Hawk, he's just...a little know how dads l mean if you were a girl, then you could understand," she came a little closer..l blushed a little.."l think he liked you!" she whispered and winked "Now let's go" we went to the downstair l sat next to Rose and started looking at the meals....l have never seen this meals before..."Perhaps l should go and make you some apple juice and some dishes that contains apple..."Mrs.Clara suggested "I can help you too mom!" Rose agreed with her but l said "No, Mrs.Clara, there's no need for that...l can try these meals, they look delicious too."
"Alright, but if you don't like them,just tell me and l'll make you something else" she smiled, l nodded and turned to Rose "Do you have any suggestion?"
"Of course!hmm...OH! WHAT ABOUT THIS ONE? IT'S MY FAVORITE TOO!" "Well, then l'm sure l'll like it!" she put the meal on my plate.l tasted it "What do you think?" she asked curiously "IT'S REALLY DELICIOUS!"
"YAY!I'M GLAD YOU LIKE IT!HEY WOULD YOU LIKE TO DRINK SOME JUICE?" she gave me a juice which had an orange color and honestly,l was afraid that it could be something with pumpkin but..l didn't want to say no to her so.."S- Sure!" l drank it and...IT WAS BETTER THAN MY APPLE JUICE!
so, like this, l tasted some earth meals and all of them were delicious from one another!after we finished the supper, l thanked Mrs.Clara "Thank you so much Mrs.Clara!
Your meals are more delicious than the meals of fairy tale land!" l confessed, she smiled "Bon Appetite!" after this, we went to the sitting room and talked about R.A..the only bad thing is...ROSE ALMOST DIDN'T STOP TALK ABOUT ADRIAN!  when she finished talking about Adrian,her dad said "So,Adrian is in your team too huh?And you're friends with a Beast,Rapunzell, Snow White,Warrior (Ling-Ling), Frog and now with A beauty?I guess I am the only one who still thinks it's weird...But, honestly, l liked Adrian,he was a good boy, l think next time you go on a cruise,you should go with a Beauty instead of a Snow White!" he said the last part while looking me...l can't understand!WHY DOES HE NOT LIKE ME?!WHY HE ALLOWED ROSE TO GO TO THE CRUISES WITH ADRIAN INSTEAD OF ME ?!.....NO!I WON'T GIVE UP! I'II FIGHT FOR ROSE! BECAUSE I LOVE HER AND I'M SURE THAT I DESERVE ROSE MORE THAN ADRIAN!I'II DO EVERY THING TO GAIN HER DAD'S TRUST!!!

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