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'l got that you have a crush on Rose since l saw you at the parents day' she said 'You was so worried for her thought l didn't noticed that you stared her untill we come back to the Earth?' she added and it's made me blushing more...she then continued 'anyways,you want to learn what's Rose like right?' l nodded 'Well..l think you know, fairy tales and....that's it.' 'it's all??' l asked curiously 'Well...she likes jewels like all girls but l don't think it can help you fo~' l then gasped and said 'I GOT AN IDEA!THANKS MRS.CLARA!' l thanks to her happily she was looking confused for a 5 second..then smiled and said 'Well..l'm glad that l can help, but now it's better you go to bed, if you don't want beeing late for school tomorrow' she put her hand on my shoulder, l nodded twice with a smile, then thanks to her again and went to the sleep.....


Hawk was still sleeping,after all he was so tried l didn't want wake him up..l decided waking up Rose, in fact it's always took so long, l went her room, and come next to her..
Rose was snoaring lowly 'Rose...sweetie..' 'wake up dear..' .Rose...' it doesn't work 'ROSE! WAKE UP! OR YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE!' l said loudly while shaking her slowly for wake her up..But it didn't work too.. (like usual) 'Rose...ROSE! WAKE UP!' 'mmmmh...MOOOM...!!just..a 5 more minutes.....*snoared*' she groaned, l sighed 'Rose, dear, there's 50% off sale on your favorite shoe store!' 'WHAT?! 50% OFF?! OMG! WHERE'S MY OUTFIT?! I SHOULD IMMEDIATELLY SEE THEM!!!' she yelled excitingly..l laughed and she then realized what just happened 'HEY! You tricked me!...again!' she mumbled 'Sorry sweetie,but it's the only way for wake you up, now change your pajamas and came downstair ok?' l smiled 'mhm...Does Hawk woke up?' she asked while yawning 'No..l guess he's still sleeping' l responded 'huh?Really? l thought he's always early' then she gigled and added 'what a sleepyhead!' 'hmm..just like you..!' l stroked her hairs and we both laughed,then l kissed her forehead and went to the kitchen for make breakfast

l changed and washed then l went downstair and saw Hawk who's sleeping on the sofa and snoaring a little, l gigled, then tryed wake him up 'Hawk..wake up, you little cute sleepyhead!' but he didn't wake up, then l tried shaked him slowly, 'Hey Hawk, c'mon! Wake up!' 'UGH!' l started bored and then smirked 'Ooo, Hawk, l think there's a princess in trouble!' l lied for wake him up, in fact, he's a princess saver, this should work..but surprisingly,it didn't work..l wonder..does he in a magical sleep or something?l decided go and ask from my mom, l went to the kitchen and asked my mom who's still cooking breakfast 'Hey mom..l wondered, does grandchilds of Snow White can be in a magical sleep when they're 14?(A/N I THINK THEY'RE 14 YEARS OLD...) l asked while scratching back of my neck she looked me curiously for a 5 second while blinking, then laughed and said 'You can't wake him up,don't you?' 'mhm..He's in a deep sleep l guess..' 'well, l don't know about it but..why you don't kiss him for figure out it?' she joked and laughed 'HEY!' l crossed my arms, she then said 'oh, c'mon sweetie,you know l'm just joking right?' 'yeah..l gave me an idea!' l ran out from kitchen and went next to Hawk again, then l leaned towards to him and said 'Hey Snow White,it's better you wake up now' '*snoring* just a few more minutes please....' he groaned then l smirked 'Alright,if you don't wake up in a 5 second, l'll kiss you for wake you up!'
'HUH?! WHAT?! REALLY?!?!?!' suddenly he lifted his head and our lips almost touching......
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