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Leaving his village behind, the blonde hair Otakage set out on his journey to the far west; where his neighboring village, Konohagakure was located. 

The journey thus far was nothing of any interest other than walking, walking and more walking. 

Communications were not shared between the three traveling companions, thus making the journey boring. 

Naruto or should been said; Red Tome, couldnt take it anymore thus stopping in his tracks and looking both the black hair Uchihas in their eyes.

"Cant you guys liven up the mood. I mean fuck, this is worst than that time my wife gave me the silent treatment because I forgot her birthday." He said crossing his arms across his chess.

"I was rather enjoying the silence dope, you and your boisterous voice ruin the peace." The shorter of the Uchihas said.

"Naruto-sama, I would have to motion my little brothers point into the right. you could have went and just let us teleport or warp and fast travel through your dimensional doors." The eldest Uchiha added on.

With a simple sound of a hmph, he turned and proceeded his journey through the forestry that he created from his wood style.

Within forty minutes of his 'best' time of his life, he was about to complain but was silenced when an army of fifty bandits appeared before him.

"Hey, looky what we got here, two kids and a weak ass looking man." One of the the man of the group said.

With one glance at the man who spoke, they went back staring at each other and asked the same question.

"Who are they?" 

"Hey Paco, dont you think they look enough to be sold at a good price?" He asked his companion.

"Yeah. Especially the older guy."

"Hey Itachi, they talking about you. Never knew you were worth that much."

With a slight twitch of his eyebrow, he said with annoyance evident in his voice.

"Naruto-sama, thats a real disgusting thing to say and I have my girlfriend so please refrain from such disturbing statements."

Putting his hands in his pocket, the blonde Otokage walked forward but was stopped by both his second and third in command; with a confused look they responded with a smirk on their faces.

"We cant allow you to fight Naruto-sama." Itachi said

"Yea, a Kage should stay back and let his subordinates take care of low level threats such as this." Sasuke said while unsheathing his sword.

A shocked look; that looks like he was stabbed, represented itself on his face. thirty seconds was all it took for him to snap out of his ulterior and shouted an unintelligent 


"Now if you excuse us Naruto-sama." With that said, they disappeared with a burst of speed that made Naruto's blonde hair moved with the shock wave.

While they were fighting his battle, he was busy pacing and mumbling about; how they were fighting his battle and how they showed him up. 

At some point he stopped when he realized something that made him bitter.

"Itachi, Sasuke, leave one of them alive; preferably the leader, I have questions for him." When he heard an sequence "Hai" he went back to his pacing and mumbling.

Two minutes later the ground was painted red instead of its natural coloured of brown and leisurable, bodies of both men and women were littered all across the plot of land at awkward angles, both Itachi and Sasuke stood there, on their faces different emotions were displayed; Itachi looked to the sky with a look of regret, while in the same time Sasuke looked to the ground where the bodies where located with a look of indifference. 

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