The Otakage and Konogakure

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Approximately five miles from the luxurious gates of Konohagakure, nine figures could be made out as persons corresponding with each other as they stood their ground, checking out their surrounding. 

The only blonde from the group decided to break up the conversation because he needed to advance.

"Itachi, do you think the kids need to be released from the cabin?" He asked while stroking the non-existent hair on his chin.

"In my opinion, that's a yes Naruto-sama. That place is a nightmare for children." Itachi said as he walked to the back of the blonde Kage.

"I guess your right, I just hope they learn their lesson." He said as he snapped his fingers and six children fell from a void that appeared.

When he took a closer inspection he saw the kids clutching their knees to their chest and shivering very rigidly. With a slight narrow of his eyes he started to grow worried because he might have went too far.

He walked to them and crutched down so he was at the same level as their were. He went to open his mouth to say something when he heard a scream and snapped his eyes open to see what was happening. What he saw made him frown a little, the kids were scrambling trying to get away from him.

He tried to reach out for them with an out stretch of the hand but they whimpered in fear; so he deepened his frown and let his hanging hand fall to his side.

"Naruto-san, how about you leave these kids to me for seven minutes and then we make a move on." Naiomi said.

With a nod of acceptance, he walked over where his number two and number three were.

"Did I really over did it Itachi?" He asked with a static face.

"I would presume that as a yes Naruto-sama." He also said with a static expression.

"Sasuke?" He asked the dark haired young man beside him with the cocky smirk.

"Of coarse dobe. They aren't ninjas, or should I say they aren't like us from the village."

With a sigh he walked to the extension of the group, turned his back to them and said a word of advise.

"Grace my shoulder with your hand, then someone else grace that person shoulder then so on and so forth." He said.

One by one they did the deed; once he felt this he gave the final warning before they disappeared in a red flash.

"Exhale and hold your breath"


Sitting at the entrance of the infamous gates of Konohagakure; two persons sat there with extreme boredom rotting away at their faces. They received many names throughout their Chunin life; maybe even through genin years; one of such names were the infamous name of "The Immortal Gate Guards".

No one wishes to take this "special" duty; its very essential and an extremely important job that can only be part taken by some "special" personnel; the most important question must be asked like this, "Who the hell would wake through the front gate, why not take the back?"

This same thought ran through these two mind as they recalled each limitless bored memories.

The duo were rudely shook out of their endless thoughts, as they saw a flash of red light before he saw 15 persons ranching from children to adults. They didnt have enough time to give a physical description as the figures were directly in front of them with emotions displayed on their faces ranching from emotionless, passive, fearful, cocky, calculating, mistrust etc.

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