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I woke up at 8:07 am, being the punctual girl I always was. I got out of bed and picked out an outfit. I was pretty excited for this photoshoot, knowing that everything Phil has ever shot was pure greatness.

I grabbed a pair of ripped, baggy overalls and my sunflower yellow halter top. I grabbed my supercolor adidas that matched the shirt from my closet and threw them on the ground. Next to my bed. Took off my t-shirt in the mirror, and the hickeys were still there. I'll just cover them with makeup, I thought.

I grabbed my bath towel and headed for the bathroom, figuring no one would be awake yet, but to my surprise, my aunt was leaving her bedroom.

"Goodmorning, Aunt Tori", I said with a smile.

"Goodmorning, neicey... what are you doing up so early?", she asked.

"I got a photoshoot in philly today, i'll probably be gone 'til late... is that fine?"

Aunt Tori paused for a second, then shrugged, "I could care less, just be safe"

"Bet", I replied, "you leaving out?", I asked, noticing she was fully dressed.

"Yeahhhh, I got a birthday brunch for one of my girlfriends to go to". She had a thick Baltimore accent, just like my grandmothers. I loved it. I had one too, but it sounded way different.

"Well have fun", I said.

"You too, Milan". My aunt began to walk down the stairs.

I walked into the bathroom and turned the shower water on... hot, just how I liked it. I went back into the room and grabbed my phone, opening my tidal app to play some music. I played Jay-z's 4:44 album on my speaker and slipped out of my towel and into the shower. "Moonlight" was playing first since I put the album on shuffle. The hot steam of the water felt so good on me. "We stuck in lala...land... even when we win we gon' lose", I sang under my breath.

The song was interrupted with my default ringtone. I slid the curtains open and peaked at the screen, it was Nino trying to facetime me. I declined and got back into the shower. The music played again and I began to wash myself. The phone rang again. Ugh, what do you want, I thought. I slid out of the shower again and declined- again, this time sending a message, saying "i'm in the shower, hold up"

I got back in, finishing the shower quick, not for him, but because it was 8:23 by then and I was on pressed time.

After I was done, I turned the water of, wrung my washcloth dry, and stepped out of the shower. The floor was wet from walking in and out.

I went to the sink and began to brush my teeth. "Caught Their Eyes" was playing, featuring Frank Ocean. My song, I said in my head. Then the phone started ringing, this time a facetime call. I answered.

"Yes, Nino", I said, in a semi-annoyed tone.

"Well good morning to you, too", he said sarcastically. I smirked, he was laying in bed, "what'chu doing today?"

"Doing a shoot for phil in Philadelphia, I'm getting ready to go"

"Who's going? You driving?", he asked.

"No, Shaad is picking me up, we're gonna meet phil at his house"

"Who's house?"

"Phil's house", I said. I put the toothpaste on my toothbrush and began to rinse it.

"Just... y'all three?"

"I don't know!" I said, "probably not, I just know what I was told to do, damn, Nasir..."

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