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"Soooooo... now what y'all tryna get into?", Phil said. He was leaning against a brick wall facing all of our cars. He was snacking on a bag of twizzlers he brought with him. We were at a park, the third location we visited today while in Philadelphia.

"I'm trying to get into my bed", Ephrata said, rolling her eyes, "we've been shooting for damn near 4 1/2 hours now"

"What you don't like quality time?", Phil said, biting off a piece of twizzler. I looked at him in disgust, why would anyone willingly eat those, I thought.

"I don't know Phil, I am kind of tired of taking pictures now", Lisa said, laughing. She brushed a stray curl out of her face, reminding me I had to take these locs out of my hair tonight.

"Yeah I do have shit to do tonight, could we... y'know...", I said, moving both of my pointer fingers around in a circle, "call it a day?"

Phil sucked his teeth. "Milan what better do you have to do with your life", he said jokingly. I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Shaad, are you ready?". I turned to Rashaad, who was leaning against his car looking down at his phone. "Yeah, I'm hungry as hell though"

"Ugh finally something I can relate to", Amauria said. "If we do anything else together it better involve food"

"There's a Waffle House on the way back home, is that fine with y'all?", Phil asked. We all nodded in agreement.

"Can't say no to that", Rashaad said.

"I'll go tell Kyla and Faith", Lisa said, walking towards Faith's car. They had went to the car a few minutes before we finished shooting. Ky said she needed a smoke break, but they probably just wanted alone time in general. They're the only established couple in our friend group, although, it's been implied that Phil and Lisa mess with each other. They're an on and off again secretive kind of thing.

"So I'll lead the way then", Phil said.

"We all have gps you know", Amauria said.

"Well then Siri will lead the way I guess", Phil said, grabbing his camera gear, "don't get lost!" He said, walking off to his car. Ephrata followed behind him. "I should have drove my car", she muttered.

"See you there", I said to Amauria.

"Oh you know it! It's been a while since I've had Waffle House", she replied, laughing. "Drive safe"

"You too Maur", Rashaad said. He unlocked the car doors and we got in.

"Dj?" I asked, holding up the aux.

"Go right ahead", he said with a smile. He started the car and put in Waffle House on the gps and we were on our way.


"We've been sitting here for 15 minutes now... we all pulled off at the same time right?", I asked.

"Yeah", Rashaad said. He looked towards the restaurant. We were sitting in the parking lot of the Waffle House.

"I mean there's not many waffle houses in Maryland.... not around this side anyways", I said. "I hope they're good".

"I'll call Phil", Rashaad said. He grabbed his phone from the phone holder perched on his heater vents and FaceTimed him. I looked out the window. The sun was setting with pink and purple hues. The yellow Waffle House sign looked beautiful against the skyline background. I pulled out my phone to take a picture of it. I took a few on the regular camera, and then I went to take some on the HUJI film app. As soon as I opened it, my phone died.

"Shit", I muttered.

"Yo, where are y'all?", Rashaad said into the phone. On the screen was Phil's face. They were already inside the restaurant.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2020 ⏰

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