The Watcher - Chapter Five - Who Lived In This House?

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Georgina left Steve snoozing on the sofa chair and she headed to the public records office in downtown Pembroke. When she arrived she asked the sullen looking middle aged female clerk for any records she had on past owners residing in the Rose and Thistle Pub at 17 Riverview Road. There were four previous owners but only one deceased. This was a Judith Fenworth who originated from the British Isles and had married a Pembroke merchant at the young age of 21. There were two children from the union a a boy named Horace and a daughter named Juliette. After living in the home for 11 years there was a tragedy in that the home burnt to the ground one night. No one ever learned the cause of the fire but two young souls and Judith Fenworth perished in the fire that night. The husband William was identified as having been away on a business trip in the capital city of Ottawa. Neighbours later reported hearing cries ringing out in the stillness of the night making fresh the horrors of the souls lost in the fire. The brick house was later rebuilt into a drinking establishment and continued as such until today. The previous name of the pub was "The Blarney Stone". Reports of the crying in the middle of the night lessened over time until now with the ghostly appearances in the rear garden.

Nicole the bar keep who lived next door was a walking encyclopedia Brittanica where matters of the county were concerned.  Georgina decided to have a tete a tete with her about any families in the county who were wiped out by fire.  This particular loss was in the earlier part of the century but Nicole was a history buff and that would not dissuade her.  One piece if the puzzle that fit was the funeral director dressed in clothing of an earlier time.  The female figure in the light might possibly be the souls of the family members moving towards the light.  The key question that still did not fit was why the entities were trying to make contact on Nicole's property.  There appeared to be an underlying reason for the visitation.  There possibly was something the other worldly beings needed completed before they moved on.  Luckily bit Georgina and Nicole had years of experience doing investigations in the social work field.  This was vastly different on one level in that it did not involve live human beings.  However that might not be a deterrent given that all beings at one time lived on the human realm.

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