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Research: Chapter 9 - Formalities

Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Wolf. However, I do own a dream of having Crystal Reed's autograph.

A/N: I am putting chapter 10 & half of 11 in this chapter, and then the other half of 11 & then all of 12 in the last one of the season. Really excited to start writing season 2!


"Hope! Hope, finally. Jeez-"

"Woah, calm down Stiles. What's up?" Hope leaned back on her bed, watching the boy nearly trip over everything she owned.

"Scott needs our help," he panted, and Hope raised an eyebrow.

"With what? Getting Ally and him back together?"

"His mom. Date.. Peter Hale. Psycho, murderer Alpha!" Hope's eyes widened, and she practically jumped Stiles, grabbing his wrist. They ran outside to Stiles' jeep, and sped off towards the restraunt.

The ride was silent and quick, before Hope spotted out the car. Stiles nodded, before swerving over to the side of the road quickly and ramming into the back of the black holden on. The teenagers were pushed forward with the momentum, and Hope's face smacked onto the dashboard. She held her head, moaning in 'agony' as they both got out of the jeep.

"Oh, are you kidding me? Stiles! Hope!" Mrs McCall yelled at the two teenagers.

"Mrs McCall?" Stiles started an act, which was surprisingly good.

"My head hurts." Hope murmured, giving Melissa a small wave as she held her head and went over to Stiles.

"Yes!" Melissa cried in exasperation.

"Wow... this is just crazy, what a coincidence, huh?" Stiles asked, and Hope continued rubbing her head, while giving Peter a look of both hatred and 'do you see this guy?'. Melissa fake laughed, and Hope sighed.

"What the hell are you two doing?"

"I- I do not know what happened, you just came out of nowhere." Stiles failed to explain what was happening, and Melissa knew it too.

"Oh? Came out of nowhere? We were parked on the side of the road, Stiles! And you Hope, you should know better!"

"To be fair, he was driving," Hope was better at this than Stiles, "And my head still really hurts, screw you Stilinski."

Hope then turned to Melissa, "We were, uh- going on a... um..." she shuffled her foot awkwardly, scratching the back of her neck, "A date. We were going on a date." Melissa gave them a small smile, and Hope entwined her hand with Stiles'.

"How crazy's that?" Stiles asked , and you could hear the underlying tone of sarcasm if you listened closely. "Man, we should probably call the cops, you know? Do, like, an accident report or something."

Peter swooped in now, "I don't think that's necessary."

"Are you sure? I think I'm feeling a little whiplash."

"Whiplash? YOU HIT US!" Melissa yelled at Stiles, making Hope flinch back.

"I dunno, there's definitely something wrong with my neck."

"Your neck?"

"Stiles, can you take me home? My head hurts." Hope asked, her voice soft and Melissa looked at her, suddenly remembering she was also there.

"Take her home - and don't think I won't tell your father," Melissa shook her finger at Stiles, before ushering them away.

Stiles and Hope loaded back into the jeep, and Stiles sped away quickly.

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