forty three (final)

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last chapter

mira was back at the art museum again. she was outside sitting on a bench, watching people pass by, enjoying their peaceful day ;  she saw ashton, she smiled. he always came around the art museum with this one girl she couldn't stand.

mira saw him and she gave him a small smile, he smiled back and she got up, walking around to an alley where she met with these people she would hang out with. it was mainly because they had drugs.

she snorted two lines, popped a quick xanny, and injected this new stuff her druggie homeless friend had ; she giggled a little.

sooner or later, she started to hallucinate. her and ashton is all that's she's been thinking of. she loved him, but he didn't know.

mira cried, and cried, because she knew he would never want her. he had his other girl, they were happy. she couldn't stand it, to see them so happy when she wasn't. she used to have such a good life, a & b honor roll, friends, then drugs and alcohol changed her. she couldn't go to college anymore because of a video that the head administration saw, so they dropped her. but why wouldn't they, she was a scholar student. her parents wanted nothing from her now and this is how her life is now. messed up, and all over the place.

mira got up, wiped her tears and she decided she would do it finally. the day she would finally kill herself. she knew her life was shit. she imagined some happy life some guy who barely sees her or knows of her exsistence.

she overdosed, she died half an hour later, her druggie finding her dead. the police, ambulances, just her, gone.

and the only person she wanted to care for her didn't even realise, he later got married years later with a new girl, living his happily ever after with her.

ohhhhh shit. the story is over, im not trying to give a message to do drugs and shit so yeah. but plot twist!!! oops.

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