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I ran back to my house with tears streaming down my face as I opened the door.

Jennie was there watching the movie and she looked over at me in shock.

"Y/N what's wrong?!" She asked with a worried expression.

I sat down beside her and then told her everything that happened at the store


"I should have went with you" Jennie said looking down guilty.

"If I ever see that bitch I'm gonna beat her ass" she said balling up her fists.

"Hey come on, let's get yourmi nd off of things and let's watch the movie" She said.

"Ok" I said

We continued watching the movie as we at some snacks.

~The next day~

Taehyung POV

I have  been worried about Y/N all day yesterday and now today.

I was stupid to cheat on her, I was stupid to go out with Hyejin. I regret everything I did wrong to Y/N.

Who was there for her now??

Hyejin has been trying to call me but I just ignore them.

After having her on my mind for a while, I decided to head on over to her house to apologize and see if she was alright.


As I knocked on the door, I heard footsteps and I started to get a little nervous.

"Just a minute! " I heard her yell out.

Once she opened the door she seemed really surprised to see me.

"What are you doing here? "She asked in a cold tone  as she crossed her arms over her chest.

I deserve this treatment

"I-I came to see if you we're ok... I'm so sorry about what happened yesterday."I said

"Seeing you weren't at fault..  apology accepted."she said

She was about to close the door but I blurted out how I really felt.
" Y/N I'm sorry! I'm sorry for cheating on you,I'm sorry for not being there when you needed me most.I promise that whenever you need me I'll be there for you."I said.

"Y/N, please, can you forgive me and take me back?"

"I don't know if I could love you again"she said and before I could even respond she slammed the door in my face.

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