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I feel completely empty. Is that a problem? Yes it is. I put this in here because honestly if people want to see usual me then they read my usual book but if peeps want to see some empty stuff then I'll put it here.
Anyways, I should probably sleep but I don't feel tired. Also I can't tell if what I'm feeling is sadness or tiredness, probably a mix of both haha.
Now that I think of it, in real life I'm pretty much alone. People try to support me but I know it's just a spur of the moment thing. I know they really can't understand what's happening. And dang I started crying. That's pretty cool. Honestly, I'm not looking for attention, kay? Just wanted to get that outta the way. Anyways, yeah. Okay, so that was kinda weird cuz it was only like two tears and then it stopped lol. So.... how's life? Hopefully better than the emptiness that I'm feeling right now. Haha, I must sound so pathetic. Talking to a screen, asking it questions. Ah, why can't I be as good at other people when it comes to drawing? Ah, why can't I socialize? Ah, why can't I find a friend who doesn't leave me. Online people are super nice- but in cold hard reality, everyone leaves. And that's sad and all. Anyways, I've lost interest doing this. Hopefully I feel better in the morning. Sorry if I'm super scatterbrained and all that stuff. Bye, thanks for reading.

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