( iv. )

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( iv. wait — how old are you? )

▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔( roman is in love 😽 )

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( roman is in love 😽 )

irina: why do you guys keep
changing your groupchat's name

woodyinho: because 👀

roman: marco no omg

pulisic: roman is in love 👀

roman: that was like two days ago guys come on!

irina: roman is in love? with who? 🙃

erik: hey fake roman send nudez

mario: what

irina: what? 😳

marc: eRIK!!

erik: haha
it's a joke guys!

irina: oh bummer
i was about to.

auba: wait what

erik: it's not a joke then?¿?

shinji: E R I K

irina: ha it's a joke guys.
but if you rlly want my nudes
check out my personal gram.

woodyinho: you post your nudes on
your personal instagram?? what is it??

irina: wow you guys are such horn
dogs and obviously not, but i am
very comfortable with my
own body, soooo

erik: i found you.

mario: wtf what how
have you been hanging
around with reus?

erik: lol no i just went to her fanpage
searched people she was following
with the name irina and she was the
only one who appeared

irina: because that's not weird..

woodyinho: what's her insta


woodyinho: found you!

erik: woahhh irina 👀


pulisic: WHAT


irina: i DID say i'm comfortablewith my body didn't i 😅

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irina: i DID say i'm comfortable
with my body didn't i 😅

roman: 😍

woodyinho: okay you know what
i'd love to compliment you and all
but how old are you..

mario: oh god

auba: pls don't say sixteen
i will feel so weird after thinking
you're attractive

irina: i'm twenty..

roman: WHAT

pulisic: and i'm nineteen

( roman has kicked cmpulisic out of the groupchat. )

woodyinho: I CALLED YOU HOT

irina: you did?

woodyinho: no..
but i thought about it!

irina: ugh don't make it a big deal!
i turn twenty one in three weeks.

erik: eh who cares
i'm twenty five soooo

( roman has kicked erik37durm out of the groupchat. )

irina: jesus christ


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2017 ⏰

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