How It Started

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**Phone Call To Peter**

Unknown: "Hello, is this, Peter Parker?"

Peter: "Uh, yeah. Who's this?"

Unknown: "Mr. Parker. My name is, Doctor Gold. I have some bad news about your aunt!"

Peter: "Bad news? What do you mean bad news? Is she alright?"

Doctor Gold: "I'm afraid not. She was in a car accident, late last night. She was severely injured & has fallen into a coma."

Peter: "No. No. No. No. Please tell me this isn't true. Is this fake?"

Doctor Gold: "No sir, this isn't fake."

Peter: *Silence*

Doctor Gold: "Are you alright?"

Peter: *sobbing* "No"

Doctor Gold: "I'm very sorry Mr Parker. I can't imagine what your going through right now. I will notify you if anything changes."

Peter: *Silence as he hangs up*

~•~Two Weeks Later~•~

"Thank you for coming in, Peter. This really did need to happen face to face," Doctor Gold, said as she spun in her chair to face me.

"Yeah, um, I don't do so well in hospital's & was wondering if we could speed this up because I actually have somewhere to be," I answered as I walked up to her desk & watched as she wrote something down on a clipboard.

"Why, yes, of course. Please, take a seat?" She asked as she gestured to the chair. I swapped my gaze to the chair for a moment before hesitantly sitting down.

"I have a little update about your aunt!" Gold said as she handed the clipboard to the lady that I had seen at the desk. She was wearing a blue blouse, pencil skirt & big flash high heels, that she could hardly walk in, & she had her hair in a high bun. Sarah, I think her name was. She gave me a half smile as she walked passed & stuck out her chest a little more.

I rolled my eyes at her then turned my attention back towards, Doctor Gold.

"Look, Doc, you've been calling me in here every second day for the past two weeks, saying that you have news about my aunt, which always turns out to be nothing. If you actually have something important to say, then go ahead, otherwise I'm leaving," I answered as I waited patiently to see what she would say. She starred at me for a moment with a slightly surprised expression, but that soon changed to that of understanding.

"I guess I will just call you if anything else comes up then," Doctor Gold Answered as she gave me a sweet smile then turned her gaze to her computer, then started to type something.

I quickly got out of my seat, tightened my grip on my backpack strap & ran out of her office, down the stairs & out of the hospital. After getting outside, I continued to run & didn't stop. I didn't know where I was going, but I just kept running.

I finally ran out of breathe about an hour later, so stopped by a big tree & sat in the shade underneath it. I gasped for air, feeling like I was about to pass out.

I felt so alone. Like I had no one, which was sort of true since aunt May went to hospital. I had no one to talk too. No one who actually understood what I was going through, & the only person who did, was busy all the time & too important to take my calls. Bloody Stark.

When I first met him, he seemed so understanding & was there for me a lot. Then after the battle with Captain America & the others, he threw me to the curb & didn't get in contact, like he said he would.

I wanted to hate him, I wanted to forget about him, but I couldn't. Just the way he said, "I do care about you, even if your not exactly superhero material... Yet," I mean, what does that even mean?

But then that left me wondering if he actually did care, or If he was just saying it. I felt so confused.

I didn't even know why I was so obsessed with the idea of Tony taking the time out of his busy day just to give me a call or flick me a text. I guess it might've been the idea of having that father figure, considering I didn't have one.

I took my phone out of my pocket & dialed a number that was now familiar in my mind.

Happy: "What do you want kid?"

Me: "Hey, Happy, I just wanted to check if you were busy or whatever?"

Happy: "Me? Busy? No. But if it's anything to do with you, then always. What do you want?"

Me: "Well, I was just wondering if you could maybe get, Tony, to call me or..."

Happy: "Oy, that's, Mr Stark, to you."

Me: "Mr Stark. Right. Right. Anyway, i was just wondering if you would be able to give him a message for me or just get him to call. I really need to talk to him."

Happy: "Aww, poor, Peter Parker, is having a rough time at high school. Sorry kid, but, Mr Stark, doesn't have the time to speak with you. As you already know, he's a very busy man. Now, I must get going."

Me: "But wait..."

Happy: Beep, beep, beep, beep...

I sighed in frustration as I put the phone back into my pocket.

Tony, told me to ring, Happy, if I ever needed to get in contact with him. How am I suppose to do that if, Happy, won't let me speak to him? Or was that another one of his lies?

"Tony Stark, huh? You must be pretty popular in the world of nerds to be in contact with him," Someone out of nowhere said. I looked around the other side of the tree to see a girl with blond & brown streaked hair, lying on the grass, looking up at the sky.

"Well, I'm not actually in contact with, Tony Stark, himself," I answered as moved a bit so that it was easier to talk to her. She turned her head to look at me & I felt my heart skip a beat.

She had olive skin, sparkly brown eyes & these facial features that were both extremely pretty & grown up, but cute & adorable at the same time.

"So, your in contact with, Tony Stark, but your not in contact with, Tony Stark?" The girl asked curiously. I thought about it then nodded my head.

"Yeah, it's like that," I answered as I played with my hands.

"Okay then, my weird one," She said with a chuckle as she sat up & crossed her legs. I smiled at her, then the thought of, aunt May, hit me like a truck & I could feel the tears burning my eyes.

Without thinking or saying a word, I got up & ran away from the girl. I ran & ran, until I found myself back at mins & aunt May's apartment.

As soon as I got inside, I slammed the door behind me, threw my backpack across the room, fell to my knees,  screamed at the top of my lungs & cried.

Who knows how long I was there for...

End of chapter. Hope somebody likes this haha 

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