Something's Up

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Peter's POV

I paced back & fourth in the small space which was my room.

I don't know why but everything just seemed so much darker & colder since aunt May went to hospital.

I hated it...

I stopped pacing when I heard a knock at the door. I went out into the hallway & stood in front of the door for a moment, taking a deep breathe before hesitantly grasping the door knob & opening it to see a big, goofy smiling, Ned.

"Hya, Peter," Ned said cheerfully as he entered the apartment.

"Uh, hey man," I answered plainly I watched as he made his way into the kitchen where he started going through the fridge & cupboards.

"How you doing?" Ned asked as he put a couple of pieces of bread onto a plate & grabbed a knife.

"I'm... Yeah... I'm doing okay," I answered in between pauses as I made my way over to the island bench in the middle of the kitchen.

"Oh right. I just wasn't sure with the whole 'your aunt being in an accident then falling into a coma' thing & all that," Ned said as he did lots of big gestures with his hand as he spread some peanut butter onto his bread with his knife.

I could feel my whole body ache as he said those words & all I wanted to do was cry in a corner, but I had to stay strong.

"Yeah, um, Ned... That isn't exactly helping with the whole grieving process & everything. No offence," I answered as I sat on one of the stools & started paying great attention to my hands.

"Oh, right. Sorry man. I didn't really think about that..." Ned answered as slapped his sandwich together & took a bite. I rolled my eyes at how stupid & inconsiderate, Ned, could be at times but forgave him at the same time as he was my best bud & didn't know what he was doing.

"Nah, nah, it's cool man. It's cool," I answered after a moment of hesitation.

"So, has, Mr Stark, gotten back in touch with you?" Ned asked curiously as he took another bite of his sandwich. More words that I hated hearing & caused me real physical pain. Yay...

"No... Ned. No, he hasn't," I answered bitterly as I had to practically duck tape my mouth shut to stop any bad language coming out. You would have been seeing a lot of '***'s' otherwise.

"Oh, right. Well, are you coming back to school on, Monday? You've taken the past two weeks off & have a lot of homework to catch up on, plus, Michelle, & Liz, are asking around for you &..." Is all he got to say before I cut him off.

"Look, Ned, I'm sorry but homework & teenage girls are not my biggest concern right now. If you hadn't noticed, my aunt is in hospital & may not wake up, I've got other stuff going on... Just... Just get out, Ned, & leave me alone. Please?" I snapped as I got off the stool & stormed back into my room, leaving, Ned, in the kitchen. I heard the apartment door open & close a few seconds later.

That was the first time that I had ever snapped at him, or anyone. I wasn't usually a very violent or aggressive person. Until now that is...

I was just filled with so much anger, sadness, confusion & pain.

I don't know how to deal with this...

Or is not knowing how too, the way to deal with it...?

~~Another Two Weeks Later~~

Michelle's POV

"Peter? How nice of you to finally show up," I said as I watched him walk into the school gym, wearing black skinny jeans & a black hoodie. I had to admit, he was cute... Wait what...? No way.

He didn't answer though, instead, he just sulkily trudged over to the main table. We usually have the epidemic decathlon training here most days, but, Peter, hadn't shown for the past month.

I knew he was going through a difficult time with his aunt being in the hospital, but I had to admit that I was really worried about him.

He hadn't replied to anyone's texts or picked up his phone at all, & when i heard that he had lost it at, Ned... I don't know. It just really surprised me. That wasn't like, Peter, at all.

"You okay, man?" I asked as he went over to talk to the head of the epidemic decathlon, but I still got no answer. It seemed to be a pretty intense conversation by the looks of they're faces & all they're hand gestures.

Eventually, Peter turned on his heel & stormed out of the room. I was really confused.

"I have some bad news everybody. Peter, has dropped out of the Epidemic Decathlon team..."

~~Later that Day~~

Still Michelle's POV

After school, I was really worried about, Peter, so I decided to go looking for him.

He wasn't answering his phone & nobody knew where he was, but I had a few ideas of where he could possibly be, & no, I'm not a stalker... Much.

I walked down a deserted alleyway, where I had seen him occasionally.

I didn't get very far down before a figure jumped out of nowhere & grabbed onto my arms & swung me around. I struggled against his grip but he was unbelievably strong.

I kneed him in the right knee, disappointed that I had missed my target, but satisfied that he had lost all his grip on my arms & let go.

I stumbled back a few steps & took a moment to regain my composure as I brushed a few strands of stray hair out of my face.

"Calm down, Michelle," Came the familiar voice of one, Peter Parker.

"Peter, um... Uh... Hi," I answered awkwardly, feeling my cheeks heat up.

"What's your problem?" Peter asked curiously as he bent over & rubbed his right knee.

"Sorry, but I'm not the one who tried jumping out & attacking a senior in karate," I answered as I made a weird ninja sound & took an interesting pose..

"Aren't you like on your beginners belt...?" Peter asked curiously.

"Well, I'm an advanced beginner," I answered, trying to act cool.

Peter, looked at me for a moment but it was not in humour, it was in sadness. His aunt...

"Are you okay? You sorta just ran out today. I was slightly... Only slightly... Like a tiny bit... Worried about you. So, what's up?" I asked curiously as I patiently waited for an answer.

"Nothing. I'm good," Peter answered as he squinted slightly through the dark lenses. It was only then that I noticed he was wearing shades. He never wore shades...

I quickly stepped forwards & pulled his sunglasses off, wanting to burst into tears at the sight of his purply, blueish coloured eye.

"Oh my gosh, Peter. What happened?" I asked in a panicky tone. Was he getting into trouble?

"Look, like I said before, it's nothing. Don't worry about it," Peter answered as he snatched his shades from me & stormed out of the alleyway.

Was he alright...?

What was going on...?

End of chapter.

Hope you all enjoy :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2017 ⏰

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