Emma: Regina!
Regina: (Awakens) Emma. (She gets up.)
Emma: What happened? You okay?
Regina: (In a pensive, distracted tone) Yes, I'm fine.
Mary Margaret: What is it? What happened when you touched it?
Regina: I saw what needed to be done.
Henry: Mom, are you going to be okay?
Regina: (Places a hand under Henry's chin) The important thing is you will be. (Henry grabs her hand in reassurance. Suddenly, the scroll disappears from Regina's palm.)
Pan: (Speaking off-screen) No, he won't. (He walks up to the group.)
(They all back away in stun.)
Hook: He has the— (He is cut off as Pan binds everyone in place with a freezing spell.)
Pan: (Holds up scroll) Curse? That I do
Look at you all. A captive audience. I could play with you like a pack of dolls, couldn't I? I think I'll start with these two. (Walks over to Belle and Neal) Hmm. You both look so adorable. Hard to tell who to kill first.(Shifts his gaze between both of them) No, it isn't. (Points to Neal) You. You first.
(From behind, Mr. Gold clamps a hand on Pan's left shoulder and tugs him away from Belle and Neal.)
Mr. Gold: Stay away from them.
Pan: How about this? The worm has teeth. (In a mocking tone) You're here to protect their "loved ones".
Mr. Gold: I'm not gonna let you touch either one of them.
Pan: Oh, I'd like to see that.
Mr. Gold: Oh, you will. Because I have a job to finish, and I have to do whatever it takes. No loopholes. And what needs to be done has a price. A price I'm finally willing to pay. (Looks to Neal) I used the curse to find you, Bae, to tell you I made a mistake. To make sure you had a chance at happiness.
(Pan openly laughs at his words.)
Mr. Gold: And that happiness is possible. Just not with me. I accept that.
Pan: Pretty, pretty words.
Mr. Gold: (To Neal) I love you, Bae. (Looks to Belle) And I love you, Belle, you made me stronger.
Pan: Stronger, yes. But still no magic.
Mr. Gold: Oh, but I don't need it. You see, you may have lost your shadow, but there's one thing you're forgetting.
Pan: And what's that?
Mr. Gold: (Triumphantly) So have I. I sent it away with something to hide. (He raises his hand into the air; summoning his shadow back with the dagger. As Mr. Gold takes hold of the dagger, the shadow goes back into him. Then, he forcibly holds Pan against himself.)
Pan: (Struggling to get free) What are you doing?!
Mr. Gold: You see, the only way for you to die, is if we both die. And now... now, I am ready.But just before Mr. Gold can stab Pan in the back a golden fire ball fits his fand making him drop the blade and Pan backs away enough to glab the dagger and throw it in the direction of the beam where a group of 5 girls come walking towards them and one of them has the dagger melting in her hand
Pans eyes widen upon seeing them
Mr. Gold: what the?!DianaPan steped forward as threw the melted dagger in Mr. Gold feet as her friendsgot in pose ready to hit the dance floor
Diana: *starts singing* I never needed you to be strong
I never needed you for pointing out my wrongs
I never needed pain
I never needed strain
My love for you was strong enough, you should have known
I never needed you for judgment
I never needed you to question what I spend
I never asked for help
I take care of myself
I don't know why you think you've got a hold on methere eyes widen even more and there mouths drop open.
Diana: And it's a little late for conversations
There isn't anything for you to say
And my eyes hurt, hands shiver
So look at me and listen to me
BecauseDiana's outfit: