Part 4

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After Kenma had been dropped off he walked into his apartment. Feeling stressed about the whole situation with Kuroo he laid down and began to text Aki.
'I think Kuroos going crazy'
'Why do you say that? Is he okay?'
'He's been acting strange lately. Especially around me...'
'How so?'
'He always wants to be with me, he never leaves my side, he's been spending the night a lot, he constantly stares at me, and he grabs my hands a lot'
'Kenma you're as dumb as the balls you set'
'What's that supposed to mean?'
'He's in love with you idiot! Wow, for him being your best friend and all you really don't know him huh?'
'That's impossible, im not kuroos type, plus Kuroo likes girls with long hair.'
'So you admit you like him?'
'I said nothing of the sorts'
'Whatever, you'll come around and admit it.'
'If you say so, good night aki'
'Goodnight Kenma ( ̄3 ̄)'
Kenma laid in bed and thought to himself. Maybe he did like Kuroo. They knew almost everything about each other. Kuroo liked GIRLS with LONG HAIR, and that definitely wasn't Kenma. Not even close. Kenma had a penis and short hair. But that didn't stop him from being a stripper. Laying there Kenma thought about the situation and other reasons as to why Kuroo was acting strange.
The next day at school Kuroo was acting different, depressed maybe? Was it because of what happened last night? Was it Kenmas fault? Kuroo wasn't his usual energetic self, he was pouting all day. He didn't even flinch when Kenma offered to buy him lunch. Something he would normally jump at the chance of. It was a strange sight to Kenma, he was so confused and didn't know how to cheer him up. Even at volleyball practice they barley interacted. Kuroo wasn't himself and everyone took notice.

"Hey Kenma, do you know what's wrong with Kuroo? He's been acting strange all day."

"I don't know."

"I'll go talk to him."

A few of Kenmas team mates went up to Kuroo and seemed to plan something. But Kenma couldn't hear because he was to far away. It's probably none of my business. Kenma thought to himself. After practice the boys walked away and yelled,

"You better show up Kuroo!"
"Yeah, or you'll miss out!"

Kuroo waved them off and walked away from the gym. He didn't go home with Kenma today like normal. They would normally go to Kenmas house and study. Well Kuroo would study and Kenma would play video games. Kenma paid no mind, he could play his games in peace today.


While at home after about 4 hours of playing video games Kenma finally got ready for work. He grabbed his duffel bag and walked out of the apartment. When he arrived Aki was freaking out.

Get ready fast we're about to open!!"

"We don't open for another hour?"

"NOT TODAY! I completely forgot what today was!! WE'RE OPENING IN 5 MINUTES SO HURRY!!"

Aki shoved Kenma into the dressing room. Kenma was in a panic. All the other girls were as well. He was so confused as to what was happening.

"C-can you guys tell me what's happening? Why are we in such a hurry?"

"You don't know Kenma? It's national singles day. The place is normally packed to the max this day so we have to open early. Now hurry and get ready you're waiting tables tonight."

Hana said as she helped Kenma put the wig on. She normally helped with his makeup too but she already seemed so stressed he did it himself, and surprisingly, he did an amassing job. Guess watching them do it helped. He was almost ready when Aki ran in panting.


All the girls ran out of the dressing room and got ready to greet the guest. Kenma tried to hurry and put on his outfit. The doors finally opened and everyone poured in. Aki wasn't lying, the placed filled up fast. All the girls greeted and seated the guest. Everyone was practically running around the club serving food and drinks. Kenma finally walked out from back stage and began to serve tables. He didn't speak at all, he only set his tray down and handed them the food. The little black cat never revealing himself.

While bringing drinks to a table Kenma tripped and the drinks went flying. Kenma fell to the floor as the drinks had landed on some guest.

"What the hell lady!? We came here to have a good time and you just threw our drinks all over us like that??"

One of the man stood up and grabbed Kenma but the shoulders lifting him. Kenma couldn't say anything, he was more afraid of revealing him self as a boy rather than the obviously bigger man in front of him.

    "To make up for it you should show me a good time."

He said as me pulled Kenma closer. Both caught off guard by hand around the mans neck. Kenma looked over to see none other than Kuroo.

    "Now is that anyway to treat a lady?"

The man let go of Kenma and walked out of the building frustrated. Kuroo bent down and picked up he drinks Kenma has spilt.

    "It's a bit dangerous working at a place like this when you can't even defend yourself don't you think?"

    Kenma didn't say anything still surprised at the fact he was standing right in front of Kuroo the way he looked. They both stared at each other. Kenma realized he was staring and quickly looked at the ground and nodded his head. When he looked up Kuroo gave him a warm smile and walked away. In shock Kenma made his way to the kitchen bar where Aki was supervising. Aki took notice of Kenmas attitude fast and dragged him to the dressing room.

    "What happened you look like you just saw a ghost?"


"Words Kenma, Words!"


"He's what! Did he see you!?"

"Yeah, but he didn't recognize me."

"Phew. Well that's good. Just keep your distance and don't make eye contact."


Kenma twiddled with his thumbs as he did when he got nervous or anxious.

"The shows about to begin so gather the girls."

Kenma walked out and did as told gathering the girls back stage. One by one the girls watched went on stage and got to work. Tonight was the night when the club made the most money beating Valentine's Day. Since Kenma was the last dance of the night he watched the girls from the crowd. He looked around the see if Kuroo had gotten board and went home but as he was looking around he made direct eye contact with him. Kenma looked away fast twiddling with his thumbs again before running back stage.

It was now his turn to dance but as he stepped onto the stairs of the stage he noticed he was shaking. He stopped and tried to calm himself but was frightened when he had heard Aki announce him on stage. He couldn't just back down now, so he swallowed his fear and stepped on stage. Bright lights shining down on him blinding him from seeing the crowd of people but as he walked down the runway he noticed Kuroo was dead center in the front row.

God why...
Please forgive me for the long awaited update and maybe some spelling errors I write at night and sometimes while writing I was very much sleep deprived. I hope you enjoy this chapter and thanks so much for reading


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