Chapter 10// Prison bars

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Hello all! Thanks to everyone who voted and commented on my story, I love my readers! I was also informed that my chapters are too short so I've come up with a solution.... I'm going to update with longer chapters but not as often. If anyone has any problems with this leave a comment. :)

Do you ever experience those brief times in your life when everything stops and its like you are trapped in this one moment that could change your entire life?

Well, I'm experiencing that right now. I'm helplessly being dragged along the ground by Kelly. Kyle is ripping at the bars of the gate like they are prison bars, growling at Kelly with blood red eyes. His eyes pierce the darkness surrounding them and I decide to get lost in them rather than focusing on the reality of the situation.... but I can't help where my thoughts lie.

Why did I do this? I was so stupid to think that I could finish this school year without falling for Kyle. The bond between us is unmistakable and unbreakable. I can't even begin to explain how he makes me feel. Everything about him draws my interest. The way his golden hair reflects the light perfectly. His gorgeous deep green ocean eyes that I desperately want to dive into. The perfect curve of his plump, pink lips that draws the attention of every girl within a five mile radius. And despite the irritation it brings me, I can't help but find his gorgeous smirk to be extremely attractive.

But all of that doesn't even begin to cover the effect he has on me. Whenever I see him its as if the world has slowed and a faint white glow is circling him. He's like my fallen angel. I relive all the moments we have had together before mind linking him so that he can see what I see. In a way I was playing him a slideshow of our time together.

The first moment we met in the courtyard...

The way his hair fell across his cheek in a perfect slant, outlining every fine angle of his face. The way the contact of his arm on my collar bone had sent shivers down my spine.

Then when we first realised we were mates.

As soon as he had shifted into his magnificent wolf my heart had stopped. In fact the whole world had stopped and all of a sudden my centre had shifted and all that mattered was him.

Then finally I showed him my first encounter with Kelly.

The comfort I had felt in his arms. With my head against his warm chest...

It was all too much and I had to break the link to release my sobs. I closed my eyes and sobbed for a moment before opening them to be released back into the real world. Kelly had stopped dragging me and was now staring between us in anger. Then I saw why.

Kyle had stopped his thrashing and now had a tear rolling down his perfectly angled cheekbone. He nodded at me in understanding and just like that, all that had needed to be said was said...

Suddenly Kelly pulled the knife tighter and I whimpered in pain.

Then she did the stupidest thing possible.

She started talking about my parents. I saw the look on Kyle's face harden and saw that he knew what was about to happen.

In that moment every emotion I had ever experienced in my life, the sadness, the happiness..... they were like lulling waves compared the tsunami of anger that was coursing through me at this very moment. My features slackened and I became a heartless warrior, whose soul mission was to kill Kelly.

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