Chapters 15// Whispers in the wind

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I'm standing in the middle of a clearing, alone. The wind whispers horrible secrets in my ear. Things I would never have wanted to hear. People dying. The world ending. All because I didn't return my powers to the moon goddess. I can hear whispers of a broken world, left in ruins after my powers took over my soul. Things about how my spirit becomes filled with hatred and evil. Then they start to change into whispers that bring a crimson red to my cheeks. Me... and Kyle.

The things I'm hearing can't possibly be what is to come. I am not at all attracted to Kyle. Not in the slightest... i think.

No! You don't find him attractive. Not his perfectly sculpted face, or his gorgeous, deep green eyes...

NO! Jeez Ella, get some control. He doesn't like you. He just wants a Luna as an accessory to him and his pack. That won't be you. You hate him and that can never change.

But the kind of things that I am hearing are..... startling. That can't be. I don't even like Kyle. There is no way I would do anything like..... that.

Frustration fills me.

I don't want to hear this. I won't let whatever the voices in my head are, tear down my wall. If they do then there will be nothing I can do to block Kyle's player skills. Then I'm utterly, unequivocally, 100% screwed.

Rage builds in my blood until it is at it's surface, so I run. I run until I can't run anymore. But the voices follow me wherever I go and what they are saying about the world and what I will do, makes me want to rip my ears off. But then the whispers change. I hear Kyle.

"Ella..", he whispers painfully.

"Kyle!" I scream into the empty clearing, scanning the trees, desperately searching for him.

"Ella. Wake up." he whispers again.

I flick my head in ever possible direction hearing the slight whimper in his voice.

"KYLE!!!" I shriek. I can't help the fear spreading through my bones, making me shake. I feel like I'm having a seizure.

"Ella wake up!" he says his voice slightly louder.

I'm suddenly jerked away, wincing at the pain it brings to every part of my body. I scan the room and find myself in a gym with Kyle and several other werewolves tied up. Then I remember the previous night..


As soon as the knife had began it's first descent into my flesh I had released a blood-curdling scream that pierced the air and made some of the wolves in the room wince. Maybe it was the whole Luna thing, but I wasn't sure. The pity in their eyes brought even more pain into my fragile heart.

But Kyle was showing anything but sadness, he was livid.

"ELLA!!! LET HER GO YOU SICK SON OF A B1TCH!!!!", he howled while thrashing viciously at the ropes binding him. I could tell that they were laced with silver by the hissing sound I heard as it burnt his skin, yet he didn't even flinch. He just continued to thrash, his eyes turning red, though I knew he couldn't shift since the silver was still caging his wolf.

Still, the man in front of me didn't give Kyle the time of day, instead retreating back to retrieve more tools. I knew this technique in wolf torture. They wouldn't cut deep enough to scar, kill or seriously injure. They would wait until these wounds healed, then they would repeat the same process over and over until I was virtually insane.

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