Aesthetics release!

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Hey guys!!

So I've recently had aesthetics for most of my books in the making and these just got finished so I thought I'd release them. Also, another huge thank you to everyone who read this book, I wrote it when I was barely at the beginning of my journey as a writer and to see it get so much support was truly what drove me to continue writing so thank you so much!

Again, go and give my other books a read if u have time, I'm currently working on, What's a Badboy and The Chosen. I also have aesthetics out for both those stories. I'm particularly proud of the ones for The Chosen, so go shoot that a quick look. 

Anyways, so below are the aesthetics for Ella and Kyle. 


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Leave a comment with what you thought! Also, comment if you want to see aesthetics for more of the characters because I've done at least 4 characters for my other books so whichever characters get the most requests I will do aesthetics for. 

Until then, see you later beautiful readers!


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