115 Years Later

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"Ben!!! Why are you running?!?!?!"

Ben looked at Wolfe and Bloodwing and said "I accidentally threw the remote at Death!!!"

Bloodwing had a scared look on his face and said "Why did you throw the remote at Death?!?!?!!?"

Ben looked ahead of him and said "Because he threatened to chop off my balls if I didn't give him the remote!!!!!"

Wolfe ran on all fours and said "You don't throw the remote at Death!!!!"

Ben ran faster as he heard Death calling for him and said "Get him away from me Bloodwing!!!"

Bloodwing looked behind him to see a very angry Death and said "No thx!!!!!"

Ben ran the fastest that he can and said "GET HIM AWAY WOLFE!!!!!!"

Wolfe ran faster then Ben and said "Nope!!!!!!!!!" Ben felt a hand touch and turned around to see Death. He screamed and tried to get out of Death's grasp.

Death dragged Ben all the way back to the house and said "Next time you throw the remote!!! Don't!!! Aim!! For my head!!!"

Ben nodded and said "O-Ok....." Bloodwing and Wolfe were following Death and Ben from a far away distance. When they reached the mansion. They saw Ultimose and Skeletor sitting on the couch watching t.v. Death took the remote and sat down. Ben sat down in his seat. Bloodwing sat down in his seat and Wolfe lied down on his seat. Skeletor gave Death a glare right before he got up and left the room. Death threw the remote at Skeletor's head.

Death reached his hand out and said "Give fucker."

Skeletor grabbed the remote and gave it to Death then said "Fine shit." Death gave Skeletor a look of pure hatred right before he took the remote and switched the channel onto something something else. Skeletor walked out of the house and saw a little purple dot running around in the sky. He smiled and went after the flying purple dot.

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