New One

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The flying purple figure flew faster on her staff. She likes surfing on her staff. It gets her mind off of things. She heard someone flying fast after her. She looked down and saw a male flying after her. She smiled and started to stand up on her staff and it turned into a big golden dragon with purple orbs circling around its tail, wings, and its head. The female figure smiled as she saw the male being left behind.

The big dragon asked with concern "Who is that Wicked?"

Wicked shrugged and said "Don't know Dark, but he's a fun playmate."

Dark sighed and said "Humans aren't your play things Wicked."

Wicked smiled and said "That isn't a human Dark!! We found another species!!! Let's destroy it right before it makes babies!!!"

Dark smiled and said "Alright!" He turned around and flew after the figure that was following them. He stopped a few inches away and saw that the figure was a skeleton, dragon, wolf hybrid. Dark had a confused look and asked "Uh.... Wicked? Are you sure that is a female about to give birth?"

Wicked had a smirk on her face and said "Of course!!!!"

The figure had an annoyed look on his face and said "I'm not a woman. Miss."

Wicked looked down at Dark and asked "Miss?"

Dark looked up at Wicked and said "Ma'am."

Wicked nodded and said "Ok!"

The figure sighed and said "My name is Skeletor. What is your name?"

Wicked held out her hand and said "Names are Dark Matter and Wicked!!!"

Dark pointed at Wicked with his big claw and said "She's Wicked."

Skeletor made an annoyed look and said "I can see that." Wicked looked up and tried to grab a bird.

Dark said while watching Wicked "What brings you here?"

Skeletor smiled and said "I want to challenge Wicked."

Dark looked at Skeletor and said "Uh.... No....."

Skeletor looked at Dark and said "Why not?"

Dark said while catching Wicked with his tail "Wicked doesn't do challenges."

Wicked fixed her hat and said with a smile "Ooooo A challenger??!?!?!" Dark sighed while Skeletor laughed a bit and looked at Dark.

He said with a smile "Turns out there will be a challenge." Dark glared at Skeletor right before flying onto the ground with Skeletor following him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2017 ⏰

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