Chapter 11

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3:00 p.m.

That was the time Circe and I agreed on.

It's 2:30. I have thirty minutes to get ready before Circe come to pick me up.

I grab my old messenger bag, throwing in my sketchpad full of design drafts. A few pencils to add extra ideas. My oversized old t-shirt dedicated to paint stains.  A hair- tie if my hair gets in the way. Two blue- raspberry Dum Dums  from my secret candy stash. I always carry two with me.

Don't judge me.

When I'm done, I get out of my clothes and head straight for the shower. This takes me like about fifteen minutes; twenty if the shower decides to shoot me with short sessions of Antartica's water; if you know what I mean. Today, it spared me.

It's Saturday. After Talon's 'Vile Vilify' aimed solely on Lorraine, we all had a good week. Lance hadn't shown up as well; giving all his victims a chance to do there own celebratory jig without broken bones. Either Talon really did more damage to him or Lance is in hiding until Talon possibly graduates. Yes, it's a real chicken move, especially when you are the quarterback that has games to prepare for. However, he just might be building back his strength with protein drinks so that he can come back strong.

He mightn't be too happy about his girlfriend either. Lorraine has gotten pretty bored over Lance's absence so now she has gone after Talon. You heard right. He is proving to be just the challenge she lives for. Talon still ignores her even though I can see that he wants to run for the hills when he hears the clip- clop of her stilettos along the hallway. I am convinced about only one thing.

Lorraine has gotten 'Old Man Al'.

Over the week, I got to know more about MB. He gets good grades and loves to play music on his piano and guitar. He comes with a sense of humor and an easy-going nature but he will die if he breaks a school rule. He isn't from here. He's originally from Malawi but moved to Vixen Vale when he was younger. I also learned that MB has two younger sisters but they don't have the same condition as him.

Warning: DON'T CALL THE GUY 'ALBINO'. HE CHIPS COMPLETELY. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Talon and Circe moved from United Kingdom as well. They moved last year during December holidays. Couldn't get much talk about their family.

Whatever. I got myself some foreign friends!

I have ten more minutes.  Vesper Dusk isn't a dressy girl. Never was; never will be. So I toss on anything on sight; which happen to be my faded grey-ish jeans and a random t-shirt. I slip a few beads on my dreads and my dirty white, all- stars converse.

Good enough.

I slip quietly out of my bedroom, making sure that it doesn't slam. Trying my best not to make my shoes squeak, I tip-toe down the stairs while looking left and right and praying that mom is anywhere but in the living room.

The path to the door front door where I can be deemed home- free.

After a few minutes of looking about and seeing no -one, I relax and head for the door. I was only half way out when I heard the familiar voice.

"Where do you think you're going?"

So close; yet so far.

I whirl around to see my mom sitting on one of the  kitchen stools with a cup of coffee in her hands and her blue eyes trained on her laptop screen. She is a hard worker of real estate but lately she has been trying to better herself by doing courses online. The pay she has been getting doesn't seem to be enough in her eyes even though right now its just her and I.

"Last time I remember you were still grounded until next week for sneaking out," she addresses, not even bothering to look up, " I thought I was pretty clear."

"You were mom," I answer fidgeting as I played with the zippers on my bag," Just that I made a friend and I'm working on an art project at her house." I wasn't lying. It was technically a project, just that it's not the school's. I glance at the cat clock on the wall. It read five minutes to three. I am running late; not really the kind of impression that I'm trying show Circe. I'm not exactly the time- checker or the late- lagger but I still don't want to be late. Circe said that she would deal with this little problem before me . Maybe she forgot.

"Couldn't you have done it here?"

"The project is too huge to move. We have to get started on it as soon as possible."

Mom watches me suspiciously under her reading glasses. "But not too big to move to school?"

"We're moving it there a day in advance." Now that is a lie.

There is a pause.

"You're not going," she says simply.


"I said no. That's final," mom declares, "It's now that you tell me and your friend's parents didn't even call me."

"But mom..."

"No buts! The answer is- Riiiing... Riiiing." My phone buzzes in my pocket interrupting my mother from continuing. The screen flashes Circe. Just the right timing.

I look back up at mom who has folded her glasses and is watching me with impatience. Riiiing.  I choose to answer.

"Hi Vesper!" Circe greets. Her voice is a bit muffled on the phone but clear nonetheless. "Are you ready yet? I'll be by your house in a few minutes."

"You might as well turn back around," I reply lowering my voice so that the lady behind doesn't hear me. "I'm grounded, remember? You said that you'd deal with it. What happened?"

"I forgot. I'm sorry. Just put your mom on the phone for me."

I sigh, relenting even though I know she'll be unsuccessful. "Mom, the phone's for you."

I watch mom's reaction as she speaks on the phone with Circe. It varies and at some point she looks surprised. Finally she hangs up and hands me back my phone. I watch her expectantly as she rubs her eyes and turns back to her laptop.

I edge into conversation. "So..."

"You can go. I changed my mind."

"Are you sure? If it bothers you I can always-"

"You can go Vesper. You have a project to complete and it might raise your grades a good bit. Just make sure to be back at seven, okay?"

Circe must be a miracle worker.

"Yes, mom."

I dig into my bag to get one of my precious Dum Dums. It might be enough to distract me as I wait for Circe to show up. Savoring the sweet taste, I try to come up with more ideas for the ceiling painting. Maybe instead of the girl from the painting crying she could be smiling? Wouldn't want the last image Circe sees to be tears, wouldn't we?

As I contemplate my options, I hear a car honk outside. I peep outside but what I see is not what I am expecting.

It's a limo.

The car-glass at the back goes down showing Circe's face under dark sunglasses. She smirks at me , her purple eyes glittering in mischief.

That girl has some explaining to do.

"Bye mom," I wave as I open the mahogany door. It goes unheard. Mom has again shut the world out, sipping on her decaffeinated coffee.

Sighing, I shut the door and make my way to the black luxury outside the house's pathway.


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I couldn't find the right picture to portray Vesper's mom. Forgive me?

Okay, I'll be seeing you next Friday with a new chapter. Bye!

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