Part 2- Rebelling

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Hello peoples!

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Hello peoples!

Yes, it is not a real update.

No, I'm not sorry about that.

Before you read the words from me, you saw 7 pictures of truth. This is a preview of what part two is about. The borderline message of the chapters to come. Did these inspire you? I put them in that precise order for a reason.

It makes sense this way.

I am just going to give you a heads up, OK? School is starting for me in a few weeks and then an exam in the next few months. It's going to be really tough balancing my studies with my book. I really hate to say this but... updates would be a lot fewer than normal.

Because if I predict this right, my father will definitely take all my electronics if I'm here on Wattpad almost everyday.

I'm not going to tell you to be patient because some of you who might like this book is going to suffer pain from waiting. Just like me.

This isn't goodbye. It's just the beginning. New characters. New experiences. New moments.


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