Chapter 1 - Prologue

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Outside was a nice day, perfect to play. That is the thought of Hinata Shõyõ but sadly he is sitting with his mom in the Hospital for a check up.
Hinata never wanted to go there in the first place but his mother said it so he obeyed. Hinata was sweet 10 years old when he saw the little giant play Volleyball. That was the time he wanted to play it as well. As he saw the lil giant he thought he can do anything he dreams of even when he's short. But his world will be crashing down in an sec.
He started the basics for Volleyball but soon learns he don't have much air to breath. His head is spinning and he would collaps. As his mother knew what was happening during training she got him to the hospital.

Right now they are waiting for the doctor to come back to the room. When they were done with everything they asked for them." Please sit down" he said as they came inside the room and both sat down. "I'm sorry to say this but your son have lung cancer. In its latest stadium, it can't be cured anymore" the doc said and she gasp. Hinata doesn't understand whats going on. "How long till-" she couldn't speak much further. " He have a few years at most but we don't know when it's going to happen" he said. "But I want to play Volleyball just like the little giant" hinata said sternly. In the eyes of the mom were tears forming. "I'm sorry to say this to you but you can't do any kind of games like this. They exhauste your body to much" the doctor said sadly. Hinata looked at him shocked not believing one word. He couldn't take what he just said. Why could anybody else do anything they want but him. He couldn't take it anymore and ran. He just ran, he don't care where but just away from there. As he was exhausted he stoped. He didn't get any air for a little time so he takes deep breaths. As he calmed himself down he looked around to see that he was at the beach. As he looked around he saw a few men play Volleyball and then it hits hinata. He couldn't keep his tears back anymore so he just let them fall down. Hinata sat down crying but then someone sat down beside him. He looked at the person to see a kid in his age with black hair and a deep shade of blue. He just sat there staring at the other boy.

"Why are you crying" he asks but Hinata didn't said anything.
"I was told that i can't play Volleyball but I want to play so bad"he said still crying. The other boy looked at him confused. "Why" he asks but Hinata was in deep thought if he should tell him or not. "Because the doc at the hospital said it" hinata said. The other boy couldn't think of words but then he speaks out without thinking. " if you want to play Volleyball then just do it. It's your choice" the boy said. 'He's right' hinata thought. He can do it even if he has this Illness. Then the boy stand up and about to leave. "Wait-" hinata called out. The boy stands still for the moment not moving any muscle. "What's your name" Hinata ask. That catches the boy off guard. "Kageyama. Kageyama Tobio" he said. Then hinata smiled. "Mine is Hinata Shoyõ,Tobio" he said. Kageyama blushed a bit because of how hinata said his first name. "It was nice meeting you Shoyõ" he said and wanted to leave but Hinata stoping him again. "can we see us again Tomorrow" hinata asks and Kageyama noded. "Sure. Tomorrow here ?" He asks and Hinata noded. Then Kageyama leaved and Hinata looked after him. As he was out of sight Hinata turned around and leaved as well. He got back to the hospital to only see many police men standing there. He got past them and looked out for his mother. As he finally could see his mom he called for her. "Mom!" He called and everyone turned to him. He run up to her and she hugs him tight. "Where were you" Hinata's mom asks. "I was at the beach and meet a boy at my age and now he's my friend. His name is Kageyama Tobio" hinata said.

After Hinata told his mother what happened the whole time he was gone they got home. The next day Hinata meet Kageyama at the beach again and talked about Volleyball and semselfes. After that they meet every day at the beach to talk or play Volleyball. Hinata got used to play everyday but his mother is always worried about his condition. Sometimes he coughs really hard, Kageyama get Hinata home if that happens. The years passed and both grew taller. Kageyama was taller than Hinata. They grew really close. Best Friends. They see each other every day but after they got to Elementary school, Kageyama was busy with the Volleyball training. While Hinata had to Practice alone, Kageyama had his senpais helping him out. Hinata had once trained with other players when he coughed really hard. He coughed up blood so he had to go to the hospital. Kageyama got to his phone as he see's he had a message. It was Hinata's mom telling him that Shoyõ was at the hospital. Tobio rushed to his Coach and he leaved training earlier. As Kageyama arrived, Hinata was still in OP. Kageyama hopes that Hinata is going to make it like everytime. After an hour the red light turned off meaning it's over. One Dontor came out. "He's going to make it" he said and both Tobio and Hinata's mom were relieved. After that Kageyama took his training more serious then ever for Hinata. He plays just for him. Hinata is still in the hospital to recover and Tobio visit him everyday after practice. Shoyõ was happy that Kageyama is visiting him and really enjoy when he tells him what happened in his practice. "I wish i could play again" Hinata said with a sigh and looked down at his white bed sheets. "You have to recover first we don't want that accident to happen again right" Kageyama said and Hinata noded. "When I'm out of the hospital, let's play together again like old times"  Hinata said and this time Kageyama noded.

This was the daily routine till Hinata was said he could leave the hospital. He wanted to surprise Kageyama that he's out now and so he walked to Kageyama's School. He waited outside for Kageyama and after practice he wanted to just go home. But then he saw someone familiar to him. It was his best friend standing there waiting for him.
"What are you doing here Shoyõ" and Hinata pouds. Everytime Hinata is doing that Kageyama thinks thats really cute. "A very comfortable way to say hallo. I just wanted to surprise you that i'm out of the hospital" Hinata said and Kageyama was very happy about what he just heard. "That's great" kageyama said and hug his friend, who returned it. They both walked home. The next day they meet up to play a little. The month passed and Hinata was at his last year at Elementary School so he had just one last match with Volleyball. His small team walked in the big hall and looked around. As Hinata see's all the taller boys he said he had to go to the toilet. He then found the toilet but then was bullied of another team because of his size. But then all of a sudden he heard a too familiar voice behind him. He turned around to see his best friend Kageyama Tobio.

"Hey Tobio"

"Hey Shoyõ" he said smiling at Hinata. They talked a bit but then had to go because of their match. When Hinata stand on the court he was shocked to see his best friend on the other side of the net. Witch means he has to play against Tobio. Hinata lost this match. After they bowed to each other Hinata's team left. Shoyõ waited for tobio. After Kageyama's matches were over they walked out of the hall. "Tobio" someone yelled behind the team. Kageyama turned around to see his best friend crying.

"I wish you luck for your next Matches"

That was all for the first chapter. I hope you like it.
It contains 1400 words....Believe it i never had to much writing

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