Chapter 4

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*the Next day after practice*

Tobio was concerned about what Hinata had to tell him...the whole day he thought about it. He speedwalked to the Hospital and walked directly towards Hinatas room. He knocked on the door and walked in right after only to see Hinata, Natsu and their mother sitting close to each other and looking at him. All three of them had smiles on their faces. Tobio took a seat next to Hinata...
"Tell me what News you wanted to tell me" Tobio said and Hinata smiled. "There is a 50/50 percent chance of me to get cured due to an operation" he said...'just a 50/50 Chance?!' Tobio thought concerned. Hinata could see the uneasyness and concern of him in his eyes as Tobio looked at him. "Don't worry it will be fine but if the case does happ-" he hadn't the chance to go on as he was interupted by natsu, his mom and Tobio. "You're strong, you're not going to leave this world" they said in union. Hinata was surprised at first but smiled after. "Mom could you leave us for a moment?" He asked and she noded taking Natsu with her. Tobio didn't understand.....
"I don't want to discuss that when they could hear that" Hinata said being uneasy and Tobio got worried.
"The operation is in the middle of the night so when it will be my last breath and you are not there to hear it-" Hinata started but got interupted by Tobio.
" I will be there for that time. You aren't going to get through that alone. You are strong and have faith, you're going to survive" Hinata could just believe the words Tobio said. If Tobio was with him he will get through this, he has a family, the team (what was like a Second family to him) and Tobio to return to. He will come back to them safetly, that were Hinatas thoughts.
The visit time was over soon after and Tobio said his goodbye and leaved. Hinatas family said it as well soon after and leaved.
Tobio waited days for the call that would confirm that the operation would start. At the one night he finally got the call and rushed to the hospital, as he got there he could see Ms. Hinata and Natsu already waiting and Tobio stands now beside them thinking....'You will survive this one as well, little giant' and the small family had similiar thoughts. They waited outside the door fearing of the life of Hinata, it was going on for hours now and in the meantime Tobio had called the whole Karasuno-Volleyball team even the Coach and teacher to come to the hospital. They all waited there and hoping the operation will go smooth, nobody wanted to say goodbye to their little bundle of sunshine, they couldn't loose Hinata especially Tobio. The sun rose up and everyone was tired but they wouldn't dare to close their eyes, the operation was still going.
Ms. Hinata, Natsu and Tobio got more concerned the more the time flew by but then then the light suddenly turn off what means the operation is over. They told the team and waited for the doctor to come out who came quickly after. The small family, together with Tobio go over to talk with him but the team stayed behind.
" I would like to talk with these two alone, it's a family thing" the doc said and tobio got mad. "I belong to this family!"
"If it's alright with the two" the doc said while eyeing the family who nodded right away, after he got the confirmation he straightned his body and start to talk. " we had some complication during the operation" he started and Kageyama couldn't stop his thoughts, Was his sunshine gone now before he could say how much he meant to him? He don't want to say goodbye to his best friend, not yet. Another realization hit him and now he know for sure, he loves his best friend and does want to tell him that.
Ms. Hinata and Natsu couldn't believe it, there were complications? As they got out of their trance the doc continued. " he didn't had a pulse multiple times during the operation..." The doc said but Kageyama couldn't wait anymore, he wanted to know if his sunshine was alive or not.
" Please, just tell us if he survived or not " Kageyama said and the look on the docs face changed and he emediatly knew what it meant. "I'm very sorry to say that but he didn't made it, we tried everything in our might but it wasn't enough". Now the world of these three broke and shattered into pieces. They couldn't believe that the little bundle of sunshine is at another place now.....Tobio never cried infront of everyone but now he did. At first it was just watery eyes, then some tears rolling down his face and in the end.....a waterfall of tears came out of his eyes and fell to the ground with his knees and screamed, he screamed out his pain it was not his concern that he was in a hospital it was something else now. Even if he screamed in a hospital for his sunshine to come back to him, nobody stoped him. The hinata family was in a similiar situation, Natsu and her mom huged each other and cried in the other shoulders and then pulled Kageyama in the hug. He gladly accepted the hug and all of them cried together, it looked like they wouldn't calm down when the doc spoke up again. "Whenever you feel like it you can bit him goodbye" he said and leaving them for the time being. He had to check on other patients but this didn't go unnoticed by him and as well he was being emotionally down right now. He did all in his might but couldn't save the boy and as he was alone, the doctor himself started to cry. He couldn't hold back anymore so he didn't fight the tears.

Back to the little family and Kageyama that were starting to calm down a bit and standing up, to go to Shõyou and say their final goodbye. All of them took their time. Natsu started.......
"Nii-san, l miss you already, you were always a fighter but this time you didn't won. I'm proud to be called your sister.....You were always my Hero and will ever be. I hope to see you again and that you will play as much Volleyball you wanted to" with these words all of them started to cry again. Now it was Ms. Hinatas turn......
" You are my first child I gave birth to.....I never thought you will g-go before me......I'm so proud you managed to live your life like you be called the little giant....I will always love you Shõyou.....You are missed already" through the tell she started sobing and crying again and now it was Tobio's turn to say his final goodbye:
" You won't believe me but.....I love you...I wanted to tell you but now I'm too late but with my goodbye I say it again Shõyou....I love you with all my heart and will ever do. I will miss tossing to you over and over again. I will miss your smile whenever we play together or when we two are alone. I can never hold you in my arms again or give you a kiss. To never see you again will be the hardest thing in my life to face. I really don't want to be without you but I will take care of your family and the team for you. I will always remember you and will hold you dear and near my heart". After Kageyama was done, they all gave Shõyou a last kiss and leaved the room. The night was the badest on all nights before but as days passed the school was not the same. It wasn't as bright as it should be, the whole school was tearing up of the lost of a schoolmate. Hinata was known among the school and everyone just could love him, but it was heartbreaking to know that they will never see this bundle of sunshine again.

Now it was time for the funeral of Hinata Shõyou, a lot of people came. School members, Teachers, even principal got there to say his final goodbye to an student he will never see graduate. The whole nation heard of this and send the family their honners and scharms. As it was the time, all known Volleyball-teams of Japan came, like Shirotorizawa even minor ones, nobody knew of came and gave their honors and final goodbyes to the little giant they started to know......It was like:
no one will be the same, that he was strong and a fighter, will ever be memoriezed......

This is the end of my story.....If You want a Good ending write in the Comments but if not, there won't be one......I Hope you liked it and See you Guys in another ff's again!!!

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